Archive | Pie

Plum Galette

Pie Galette / Bev Cooks

It’s Galette Day! (<–not a thing.) You know how I’ve been on a pie journey for a while now? I’ve been on a pie journey for a while now. (don’t tell my waistline.) I absolutely love making pies. Am I good at it? Jury’s still out. But making the crust from scratch is this weird […]

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Potato, Leek and Gruyere Pie

Potato, Leek and Gruyere Pie / Bev Cooks

Savory. Pie. Time. Remember when we polled this? Polled about this? Talked about this? Well here it is! Gruyere cheese. Thinly sliced potatoes (use a mandolin!) Aromatic leeks. Homemade pie crust. I use Alison Roman’s recipe every time and it’s perfect. Her recipe makes two crusts, so either half it or make two. (make two.) […]

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