A Few Thangs:


1) Okay, so I’m REALLY late to the party on this one, but guess what I did? I finally created my Facebook fan page! What took me so long? Laziness. (and not knowing, um, how) But this weekend I went to a Florida-style girlie sleepover hosted by the incredible Jaden of Steamy Kitchen. And due […]

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Chicken Diablo


Um, excuse me but, who is this. . .Diablo? Does he have a mustache? Does he ride a motorbike? Does he have pointy little horns sticking out of his head and a long spiky tail snaking out of his expensive Spanish linen pants? Did you know that “diablo” means DEMON? I found this out today. […]

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Leftover Turkey Sushi and Crostini


Gobble Gobble. Gobble. Do you have 34 pounds of turkey sitting in your belly? Are you looking at 34 more pounds of leftover turkey in your fridge? Once the tryptophan coma wears off, I have an idea. MORE TURKEY! Don’t groan. This will be fun. I give you…two ways to get ca-razay with your leftovers […]

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Baked Polenta Pie


I’ve been waiting my whole life to show you this recipe. Well, 4 days, but that can feel like a lifetime for a person like me. I’ve actually been waiting my whole life to MAKE this recipe, as it originally hails from bestie Laura and is stuffed and adorned with 14 cups of glorious cheese. […]

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Classic Chicken Caesar Salad


Have you ever made caesar dressing from scratch? Yep, I’m talking anchovies, a raw egg yolk, the whole bit. Have you? NO? REALLY? uhmugush. Things are going to be different for you from now on. You are going to learn this recipe and a new way to cherish life will unfold before you. As in, […]

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Chinese Beef and Broccoli


So, the other night I decided to FaceTime with my younger sister. I touched the screen, heard a few techie beepidy beeps, and a moment later her little face appeared in my hand. (By the way, did you know phones DO THIS? Oh you did? Oh.) “What are you doing?” I asked. Without a single […]

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Rustic Ramekin Pecan Pies


Well, hey! Did you know Thanksgiving is like 20 minutes from now? It is. How many freak attacks have you had in the last 3 weeks? A hundred 50 billion 81? Me too. I won’t keep you. I know you have things to do today. I just wanted to show you real quick what I […]

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Quick Curried Chickpeas with Tofu and Kale


I’m nervous. My heart is racing. I have no idea why I’m doing this. You guys, in approximately 2 hours I’m going to our brand new H&M. How brand new? It opened….yesterday. #officiallylostmymarbles Is this a mistake? Am I even ready? Should I wear a camouflage helmet and bring trail mix in case of a […]

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