Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

fRiDaYRrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAy. I want to get more into sauces in 2016. Like, pan sauces! The kind that you make right at the end of cooking a meal- add some sherry, some mustard, some loose hair (<–just kidding), and whisk her up until she be all glorious like. I feel like I hardly ever make pan sauces. […]

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Roasted Indian Cauliflower and Chickpeas

Roasted Indian Cauliflower and Chickpeas / Bev Cooks

It’s vegetarian! I’m not sure why I got so excited just now. I guess because it’s vegetarian! And I hardly ever post vegetarian. And I always get emails, “Post something vegetarian! Post it! The vegetarian something thingy!” So here it is. Vegetarian! I’ll chill. Maybe. This recipe is SEWWW easy. Beyond beyond beyond. All it […]

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Grass-Fed Beef Enchilada Casserole

Grass-Fed Beef Enchilada Casserole / Bev Cooks

Is it Christmas food if the garnish is red and green? I’m calling this one a yes. So we’re making a casserole today! And by that I mean we’re stacking. We’re stacking lots and lots of corn tortillas, seasoned grass-fed beef, some black refried beans, and slightly creamy enchilada sauce. I added a little milk […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FA LA LA LA LAAAAA LA LA LA RIDAY. How do you keep your eyebrows from looking like you didn’t just escape prison? You guys, mine are such a trainwreck. I’ve always had a good shape to my eyebrows, but they’ve never been easy to work with as far as staying in place. You heard […]

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Montchevré Goat Cheese Giveaway!


JUST HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS JINGLIN’, RING TING TINGLIN’ TOOOO. You guys, I have the cheesiest giveaway today. Hahahah! But seriously. It’s the holidays and me thinks you need some free cheese all up in yo’ face. So, I’ve partnered up with the sinfully delicious Montchevré goat cheese peeps (the cheese is delicious. not the […]

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