Friday Flotsam

Kids and water drains and shoes

FRILLY DILLY DAY-Y DOO. You know how in your Gmail, when you order something from most online stores, it has that little “Track Package” button in the SUBJECT LINE of the email? And you can just click that handy highway and it takes you directly to UPS or Fedex or Snails ‘R Us or whatever? […]

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Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

It’s Health Food Thursday! Because that’s a totally real thing that I just made up right now three seconds ago. This is a Greek Lentil and Tuna salad, yewguyz. And I’m kind of flipping out over it. A little while back I was chitty chat chattin’ with you about what you’d like to see more […]

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Lobster Rolls

Lobster Rolls / Bev Cooks

Today I’m 40. FORTY. I have no idea what this is supposed to look or feel like, but I just bought myself a birthday tongue scraper and jogging visor, so I feel this is pretty much on target. (You’re like, “Waaaay too early in the morning for the words tongue scraper, lady.”) Remember when people […]

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Friday Flotsam

Hands and flowers

Fu-REE DEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Can we please talk about Peppa Pig for like half a second? And no more? Because I want to die? WHAT IS WITH THIS SHOW. A) I have maj issues with it. Sure sure. It’s adorable and whatever. Kids love it. My kids love it. They giggle. The pigs giggle. They learn. Everyone’s […]

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Friday Flotsam

Feet in Cabo

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFriday. Do your hands ever forget what they’re supposed to do? You know like, muscle memory? Actually, not that. But more like, they just straight forget the order of movemental motions. Okay wait. What I mean, specifically, is when you’re either rubbing eye makeup remover on your face, or applying moisturizer. You know how your […]

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