Archive | Vegetarian

Super Fresh Spring Salad


I gotsta one more salad fer ya! This one is super fresh, super vegetarian, super pretty and super FRESH. Like the fresh prince of Bel Air. THEY JUST DON’T MAKE TV LIKE THAT ANYMORE. I’m keeping this short because the cabinet guy is here finishing the SUPER FRESH trim on the cabinets. And he’s installing […]

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Biscuit Fish Tacos and Asparagus Pesto Pasta


Believe it. What your eyeballs are peeping right now is the absolute fist bumpin’ truth. Fish tacos wrapped. in. buttermilk. biscuits. Now, I can’t actually take credit for this 8th wonder of the world, as someone already doth created this masterful recipe for the annual Pillsbury Bake-Off. Well, the insanely popular event kicked off again […]

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