Archive | Vegetarian

Southern Fried Okra


HEY, Y’AAAAALLLLLL. We’re breaking new boundaries today! We’re covering new territory! We’re broadening our horizons! And we’re using an obnoxious amount of exclamation points! We’re frying okra. But not just any okra! Purple okra. Which, okay you can just ignore that because it’s the exact same as green okra. It totally turns green when you […]

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Corn and Tomato Sauté Pizza


Why yes there is a giant bite missing from that one bottom right piece. Oops? Okay, I have a few things to say. Does that make you nervous? 1) Um, t-h-a-n-k-y-e-w-a-l-l for the sweet and awesome well wishes on my b-day last week! Social media sure does know how to make a gal feel eempartunt. […]

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