Archive | Vegetarian

Coconut Soba Noodle Bowls


I like to call this one the Edible Snuggie. Wait, Slanket? You know what, I know this is a tense subject for many, so to appease you all, let’s all it the Edible Snankuggletie. Because that rolls off the tongue sooo easily. But really, when you’re down and troubled, and you need some loving care? […]

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Portobello Mushroom and Kale Stroganoff


Stroganoff? It’s more like stroganON my face. That worked only in my head, didn’t it? Fiiiiirst of aaaaall, Parenthood. Who else calls complete wonk-a-lonk that next week is the LAST episode? I just read that this season was an “abbreviated” season with only 15 episodes. Well you know what, they can abbreviate my fist in […]

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Easy Pad Thai

Pad Thai

Issues. We have issues. Now that I’m completely caught up on Parenthood (which, ya know I just gotta tell ya [channeling Zeek right there], I’m now experiencing this DARK EMPTY VOID OF LONELINESS AND DESPAIR. Sure I have ceiling fans to clean and book shelves to dust, yawn. But I miss it! I know it […]

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Swiss Chard and Chickpea Stew with Tamarind


ANGELS WE HAVE HEAAAAAAAARD ON HIIIIIIIIGH. Okay so the world didn’t blow up. That’s good. I’m actually glad because last night Aaron and I went out to a nice dinner, and I have some major pimp leftovers in the fridge. I would have been peeeeeeeee-oooooooooh’d if any ashes got on them. This does however mean […]

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Spaghetti with Kale and Lemon


Oh weird I wonder how this pasta post ended up on my website. Weird. I started the week with pasta and I’m ending it with pasta. BOOK ENDING. I like the way this feels. It’s like watching a man mow his front lawn and noticing that he keeps missing this one itty bitty tiny little […]

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