Archive | Vegetarian

Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

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Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Pizza


Second official day of fall = PIZZA. (!) Well, if we’re going to get technical, everyday = pizza for me. Not that I EAT pizza everyday, but I could. If I wanted. Because I’m an adult. Who loves pizza. On risky levels. So. Yeah. But look at all that roasted goodness! We’ve got sliced baby […]

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Lentil, Kale and White Bean Salad


FAVORITE NEW LUNCH. Sorry to scream. So this sucks. (not the salad, but what I’m about to tell you.) A week before Labor Day I somehow hurt my ankle while running. I’m not sure when the exact moment was, because I don’t remember anything specifically happening during my run, like a snap, a crackle, or […]

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Slow-Roasted Golden Tomato Bruschetta


More tomaters! Only this time we’re slooooow roastin’. As opposed to slow cookin’. Remember? From like, two days ago? Never mind. These golden beauts, I must admit, do not come from my very pregnant garden. They’re farmer’s market finds because I cannot liiiiiiive without golden tomatoes. Which makes me wonder why I don’t just grow […]

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Hot Pepper Jelly


Soooooo hot! Kind of. Before we start talking about garden pepper jelly, can I just tell you real quick that I just put a dead fly in my mouth? On accident, you weirdo! In my sleepy haze, I refilled the empty water glass on my nightstand, and just started gulping away in the dark. It’s […]

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Quick Garlicky Parmesan Crostini


Happy New Yeaaaaarrrrr! . . .ish. I gotsta be straight up with you right now. This isn’t my recipe. I did not come up with this perfectly simple, satisfying, knock-your-face-off-to-yummy-town appetizer. No, no. Not me. Not I. Not myself. Not even Irene. (who IS Irene?) This appie is actually brought to you by my super […]

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French Lentils with Roasted Root Vegetables


Meatless!  . . . Tuesday. I’ll admit, I’m not that that creative with vegetarian cooking. Back in the day when I was jazzed about expanding my vegetarian horizons, I tried making tofu a lot. I deep fried little strips. I pan fried little squares. I slipped silken blobs into soups. I even tried baking it! […]

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