Archive | Sausage

Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup

Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup / Bev Cooks

I don’t think we’ve slurped enough this season. Usually I say this next sentence towards the end, but I just can’t rightly deal with suffering in silence that long. I cannot WAIT for you to make this soup! It has everything. Yesyesyesyesyesyes. (<–name that character) Sausage (yes), mini pasta (hurts), rustic fire-roasted tomatoes (heavens), cream […]

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Roasted Fennel and Italian Sausage Naan Pizza


That roasted garlic sauce, though. I’ve had some Trader Joe’s garlic naan in my freezer since Noah’s ark. Probably not the most appetizing way to open a blog post, but would you expect any less from me? Right. Anyway, Indian-esque meals have come and gone. Did I eat the naans? No. Chicken and rice-y dishes […]

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Sausage and Kale Pasta Bake


Ohgoodgrief. Remember that movie What Lies Beneath with Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford? This casserole totally reminds me of that. Not in a psycho-thriller-murdery-ghost sort of way, but just when I look at that photo. What liiiiiies beneath all of that cheese? Let me tell you, bunnies. (is it okay if I call you bunny?) […]

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