Archive | Pizza

Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Pizza


Second official day of fall = PIZZA. (!) Well, if we’re going to get technical, everyday = pizza for me. Not that I EAT pizza everyday, but I could. If I wanted. Because I’m an adult. Who loves pizza. On risky levels. So. Yeah. But look at all that roasted goodness! We’ve got sliced baby […]

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I Made a Pizza With John. Like, Papa John.

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I promise this post gets a teeny bit more exciting than the horrid wrist shadow across my pizza. Check it out, though! I made that AT the Papa John’s headquarters. IN the test kitchen. WITH the Papa John. Pretty rad, eh? So, last week I flew to Louisville, Kentucky to meet a handful of other […]

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Roasted Fennel and Italian Sausage Naan Pizza


That roasted garlic sauce, though. I’ve had some Trader Joe’s garlic naan in my freezer since Noah’s ark. Probably not the most appetizing way to open a blog post, but would you expect any less from me? Right. Anyway, Indian-esque meals have come and gone. Did I eat the naans? No. Chicken and rice-y dishes […]

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Beer-Battered Fried Calamari Pizza


Babies and pizza! Not to be confused with babies IN pizza. Or babies ON pizza. Or baby pizza. Jess, I’ve been waiting months (years, CENTURIES . . . MILLENNIUMS) to tell you something of utmost vital importance. This is your virtual baby showeeeerrrr! (said like Oprah) Ashley and I came together and rounded up 9257345234 […]

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Thai Chicken Pizza


Oh for heaven’s sake. I can’t even remember the last time I posted pizza on this here blog. And frankly, that’s a crime. Speaking of crimes, it’s almost Octoooobeeerr! And you obviously know what that means. Scary movies! It’s a good thing we’re already waist-deep into our newest BBC crime show obsession from the ’90s, […]

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Turkey Burger Pizza


Can you believe I’m posting a pizza? Because I NEVER post pizza. I never do. Would you believe that round-up was nearly a year ago? I wonder how many pizzas I’ve posted since then. Hold on I’m gonna figure it out. Because I know you’re all dying to know. Oh. Oh wow. Seriously. Another one. […]

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Hawaiian Pizza with Easy Beer Crust


How gross is it that I want to serenade this pizza? A little Bryan Adams? A little “Everything I Do, I Do It For You?” A little shoulder sway? A little lip licking? A little too far? I seriously remember when that song came out in 1991. Best moment of my life. I was maj […]

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