Archive | Pasta

Fire-Roasted Tomato Chicken Pasta

chicken pasta

I didn’t plan on showing you pasta two days in a row. Also, I just spent an annoyingly long time just now trying to figure out which word to link to yesterday’s post. First it was “plan.” But that looked weird. And then it was “showing,” but that made my noggin hurt. Couldn’t be “you” […]

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Linguine with Pesto and Seared Scallops


I don’t even know where to begin. And that frightens you, doesn’t it? As you can see, I have zero process shots. Or as my brain likes to Sean Conneryize it, “zhero proshesh shotsh.” But I can explain! (the no shots, not the Sean Conneryizing) Remember the video that we shot at my house a […]

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Creamy Cajun Sausage Ravioli


Raaaaaavioli where the cream comes sweepin’ down the plaaate. Get it? Like Oooklahoma where the wind com – you know? Since Oklahoma and ravioli are both 4 syllables? Get it? Oh. Guess what, I’m actually going to talk about – wait for it – the FOOD today. Whaaaaa. And it’s weird, now that I just […]

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Portobello Mushroom and Kale Stroganoff


Stroganoff? It’s more like stroganON my face. That worked only in my head, didn’t it? Fiiiiirst of aaaaall, Parenthood. Who else calls complete wonk-a-lonk that next week is the LAST episode? I just read that this season was an “abbreviated” season with only 15 episodes. Well you know what, they can abbreviate my fist in […]

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Spaghetti with Kale and Lemon


Oh weird I wonder how this pasta post ended up on my website. Weird. I started the week with pasta and I’m ending it with pasta. BOOK ENDING. I like the way this feels. It’s like watching a man mow his front lawn and noticing that he keeps missing this one itty bitty tiny little […]

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Pipe Rigate with Sausage Ragu


You know how they say we eat for our blood type? Well I’m pretty much convinced mine is A Pasta. Or wait. Maybe they say we SHOULD eat for our blood type. In that case I’m A Pasta Tacos Mushrooms Pizza Cheese Wine. But hold on. Now that I think about it, I think it’s […]

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Triple Pasta Mash Up


‘Round here at the Halloweidner headquarters, we’ve definitely been on a scary movie rampage marathon extravaganza, and my soul is seriously feelin’ the remnants. Why do I do this? I’m already jumpier than a grasshopper. I’m already a paranoid lunatic on the loose. But I can’t stop. It’s like, my favorite thing ever! I make […]

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