Tag Archives | game day

Curried Popcorn

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Pop! . . . goes the . . . popcorn? Time to ‘fess up. Do you buy microwave popcorn or do you make it from scratch? Be honeeeeest. Because if you say microwave I’ll totally high-five you. It’s dang good, isn’t it? All that powered extra-terrestrial butter madness? LU-HUVE it. But! You should totally start […]

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Spicy Bean Dip and My 2-Year Blogibirthery!


Happy Two-Year to meeeeee! Who wants bean dip? Truth is, I nearly forgot about my blogibirthery. I KNOW. I’ve been super distracted lately becauuuuuse there’s this tree in our back yard. This huge top-heavy tree in the back left-hand corner of our yard. And over Memorial Day weekend, when we were out of town, doing […]

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Simple Greek Nachos

greek nachos

March Madness is about to be up. in. herrrrrrrrrr. Which I guessing most of your jaws just fell off their hinges and landed in your laps at my enthusiasm over this. “THAT girl likes sports? THAT weirdotron knows what basketball is? THAT goober boob?” Truth be told, I don’t know jack about it. I just […]

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Superbowl Food Roundup!


(Originally posted two Superbowls ago. Whenever that was. Like two years ago. Okay bye.) Let’s get ready to RUMBLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. That’s not it at all, is it? It’s a ping pong tournament on Sunday, right? Shuffleboard? Moonwalking whilst covered in tar and feathers and reciting Emily Dickinson with a cake on your head competition? Who cares. […]

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Buffalo Chicken Pull-Apart Bread


Oh dear. Oh oh oh dear. We’re talking, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up-stuff here, folks. Actually, the first fall took place on September 19th, 2012 when Kelly posted her Pepperoni Pizza Pull-Apart Bread. I ’bout had 13.5 conniptions right then and there. Ugh, and it’s so unfair. She made what’s basically a wet […]

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