Tag Archives | cilantro

Vietnamese Noodle Salad with Chicken


I just learned something right this second and I need to come clean about my wrong doings. My world is shattered. My heart, torn. My brain is fuzzy. My soul, worn. Just get to it? Okay. So you know how these little Vietnamese noodle salads are called “bun”? Yeah. Well I was locked. and. loaded. […]

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Chipotle Shrimp Salad Bowls


What started out as a sinless, innocent puppy love back in my college years, hath quickly and destructively grown into a full-blown, no holds barred, unmanageable, MUST HAVE OR DAH, injurious addiction. Chipotle. I freaking love Chipotle. Like bawd. In our house, you can often hear things like this coming from our mouths. Me, “I’m […]

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Huevos Rancheros


Remember the scene at the end of Reality Bites when Ethan Hawke and Winona Ryder discover their love for each other after a spell of confusing and tense times, and he runs home to be with her after being MIA for a few days, and she’s packing her little brown bag to catch her cab […]

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Braised Chicken in a Tomatillo Sauce


So, I’ve rearranged a few priorities in my life. Oh, no no – listening to Wilson Phillips on repeat is still at the top. As well as honing my breakdancing in a giant eggshell costume craft. I’ve not gone off the deep end or anything, YOU GUYS. I’ve just decided to braise things more often. […]

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Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Noodle Soup


Sluuuuuuurp. Slurp, slurp, slurp. Slurpidy slurp. Oh, hi! Don’t mind me. I’m just slurping my way into 2012. I am wearing a bib though. It’s cool. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Me either. Resolutions freak me out. If I make them I get all panicked and think, “well, I better get […]

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Scallion and Cilantro Sausage Balls


We’re back! And I think I forgot how to blog. Give me about a month to re-figure this out, cool? I’m looking around my house as the travel destruction bomb doth hit. Laundry screams at me. Christmas loot begs to be cuddled and put away in its respective places. My husband is STILL IN BED. […]

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Indian-Spiced Braised Chicken


I remember it like it was yesterday. But it was many, MANY moons ago when bestie Laura surprised me with a subscription to the super cute pocket-sized Martha Stewart magazine, Everyday Food. I remember the day the first issue arrived in the mail. I jumped around in our basement apartment living room for exactly 15 […]

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Chicken Sausage Tacos with Cilantro-Yogurt Sauce


I’m not exactly sure what happened here. It’s not Mexican food. It’s not Greek food. It’s…well….. It all started like this: Me to Aaron, “Hey, do you want some chicken sausage tacos for dinner tomorrow night? We’ve never done that before.” Aaron, “Yeah, but instead of a tortilla, maybe use pita bread?” Me, “I guess…but […]

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