Friday Flotsam

sunflowers in the summer

fridayyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyy. WE FINISHED DAWSON’S CREEK LAST NIGHT. (there’s really no other way to begin this post.) We’re done! Finished! FINITO. Okay, I think I liked the ending. I think. (spoiler alert, for those of you also two decades behind in life.) So Jen dies. From some, what – heart thingy? The whole episode felt SO […]

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Fly Me to the Moo. (Our Trip to Shatto Farm!)

My Trip to Shatto Farm!

Or a more accurate title – “My Kids Are Freaks and Hate Cows.” IT WAS ALL GOING TO BE SO PERFECT, YOU KNOW. Cows, kids, milk, ice cream. Right? Epic farm scenery, flawless weather with friends, a sniff of cheese and a stroll through the facility. RIGHT? But then I forgot how massive cows actually […]

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Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon and Zucchini

Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon and Zucchini / Bev Cooks

And peas! Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon, Zucchini and Peas. The peas part. I’d like to think of this mess as a late summer kitchen sink risotto thingy. I MEAN, you can make it any time of year really. But right now it’s summer, so I’m calling it summer. Only because the shrimp isn’t in season […]

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Friday Flotsam

gremlins running

F                                                    R                                                                             IDAY. Do little kids still get up at the fanny crack of dawn to watch Saturday morning cartoons? THAT WAS SUCH A THING. My little sister and I would wake up at like, 3am, super jazzed about the Smurfs, then realize it was still pitch […]

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Tuscan Chicken Kale Salad

Tuscan Chicken Kale Salad / Bev Cooks

I’ve been dying to show you this recipe FOR LAHK, MONTHS. I make it almost every Monday night. Remember how I was in a habit of making Chicken Caesars every Monday night? We still do that from time to time, but I’ve been making THIS nutso Tuscan version for the better part of the summer […]

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Friday Flotsam

brunch at American Slang

YADIRF. FRIDAY. yaDIRF. FRIDay. Yadirf. Friday. Listen to this crazy dream I had! You’re like, “Or not?” Two nights ago I woke up over and over and over having the same dream. Stuck in it. Not able to get out of it. And I would call it a nightmare, but let me tell you about […]

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Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Pasta

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Pasta / Bev Cooks

Or – RRPPP for weirdos. This one goes out to all my vegetarian peeps! (super grossed out that I said peeps just now.) (and that I gave a shout out at all.) THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. Our little neighborhood has a mini farmer’s market. You may recall a certain voice I use every time we […]

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