Friday Flotsam

snowy pumpkins / bev cooks

FRAAAAAHDAAAAAAAAH. Let’s get DARK for a second, shall we? You’re like, I’m out. I’ve debated on asking you this for w e e k s now, and I keep chickening out, because it might, I dunno, be triggery? But I keep coming back to it, and then I chicken out again because I feel like […]

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Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies

Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies / Bev Cooks

Does one take a flood blogger seriously when they use the word VEGGIES? You know what, don’t answer that. I’m perfectly giddy living in a cloud of oblivion. Look at this soup! It’s basically the hybrid baby of a soup “just like my mom used to make” back when I was growing up. She used […]

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Friday Flotsam

red tree

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF r i d y a a y. You are never going to guess where my earrings are. Wait. I should back up. Remember when we went camping? Right. So, the second morning I’d put my pretty hoop earrings (the ones I wear a l l t h e t i m e) on the […]

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The Best Meatloaf in a Tomato Sauce

The Best Meatloaf in Tomato Sauce / Bev Cooks

Face plant right into that? Don’t mind if I do. Let’s be honest, when was the last time you thought about a meatloaf? Yeah, forever never ago, so I’m bringing sexy back. Because look at that, we’re baking it in a zingy crushed tomato sauce and wait, are you batting your eyes already? Knew it. […]

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Friday Flotsam

plant life

FRIDAHHHHHHHHHHEWWWWAAAAAHHHHH. Little Women! Yes I’m still talking about Little Women, you wanna make something of it? You already know I finished the book, based on my Stories. If you don’t follow IG Stories, then I’ll tell you here – I finished the book last week! Which is what I just said. I did a full […]

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Simple Chicken Pasta Soup

Simple Chicken Pasta Soup / Bev Cooks

Like six ingredients! Seven if you include the Italian Seasoning on the chicken. So – seven ingredients! I loooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrve (<—Celine Dion style) soups like this. They basically throw themselves together whilst singing a little soothing ditty for your soul. Because guys, it’s that time of year where it’s not the time change JUST YET, but […]

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