Frrrrrrrrrrrrrah! dah! duh! doh! The other evening I spent an embarrassing amount of time adding photos to all of my contacts in my phone. Have you done that? I feel like I used to have a bunch of photos in my contacts, but I really didn’t. So I went through my camera library and screen […]
Seared Chicken Tacos with Cabbage Slaw
Taco Thursday! (don’t argue) I’m always on a mission to make my tacos as close to Chipotle as I possibly can. Not that these are that, but we’re close. The chicken is VERA close. Because, as I always preach, buy thighs. Thighs are where it’s at. More flavor, a better shred, a better chop. Thighs […]
Blood Orange Rosemary Yogurt Cake
Look at me posting CAKE. What is this world? However, this one has Greek yogurt and rosemary and blood orange in it, so it’s more savory leaning. In a way. In my head. In our mouths. I’ve seen yogurt cakes hanging around my pinterest feed for a bit now, and I’m very into the idea […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………. . . . . .. … ? This isn’t going to be a heavy post, I promise, but I cannot, simply cannot go today without mentioning Heather Armstrong and the gutted blogging community this week. What a tragedy. I remembering discovering Heather (and Ree at the same time!) waaaaay back around 2008 or 2009 […]
Sheet Pan Dinner with Chicken, Peppers and Potatoes
We haven’t sheet panned in a while! (<–it’s a thing.) You might be initially turned off at the way I pull this together, but I need you to trust it because I said so. (mom sayings can fit in other places too, ya know.) It’s all in one bowl. I’ll show you in a second, […]
Kale Salad with Smoked Salmon, Radishes and Cucumber
Salad! We’re having salad. And we’re going to be greedy with it if that’s okay with you. Becauuuuse this is purely a lunch salad. But it’s huge, so if you feel like sharing, I suppose you could. (don’t) I guess I should say it’s MY lunch salad. You could absolutely eat this for dinner. And […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriduuuuuh! Can you gleek? Do you remember gleeking in the ’80s? I mean, it’s still here in 2023. It’s not like gleeking has disappeared. But at this age it’s no longer a SPORT. For me it’s purely accidental, and normally lands on pages of my book mid yawn. Natalie can gleek ON PURPOSE. What sort […]
Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs
Vegetarian! And one pan, baybuh. Okay I say vegetarian. It is if you sub in veggie stock for chicken stock. So no coming at me today, okay? This is really a tweak-your-own kind of situation. We have pasta, we have vegetables, we have aromatics, we have stock and cheese and garnishes. If I say “we […]
Monthly Mixtape: Climbing Vines and Sippin’ Wine
Maaaaay! Are you able to open windows and doors yet? Are you able to read outside yet? Are you able to piddle in the garden beds and baby the sprouts and cheer on the flowers and tend to the herbs? Tell me everything. It’s been pretty glorious lately in Kansas City. Chilly in the mornings […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduhluhmuhyuh! (I’m fine, why do you ask?) I think we might be getting a Ferris Wheel. Not at my house, ya boob. But our CITY. I think Kansas City might be getting a Ferris Wheel. And maybe I don’t even need to capitalize Ferris Wheel, but I’m going to anyway. A Ferris Wheel! Isn’t that […]