Friday Flotsam

flower pots / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrah! dah! duh! doh! The other evening I spent an embarrassing amount of time adding photos to all of my contacts in my phone. Have you done that? I feel like I used to have a bunch of photos in my contacts, but I really didn’t. So I went through my camera library and screen […]

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Seared Chicken Tacos with Cabbage Slaw

Seared Chicken Tacos with Cabbage Slaw / Bev Cooks

Taco Thursday! (don’t argue) I’m always on a mission to make my tacos as close to Chipotle as I possibly can. Not that these are that, but we’re close. The chicken is VERA close. Because, as I always preach, buy thighs. Thighs are where it’s at. More flavor, a better shred, a better chop. Thighs […]

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Blood Orange Rosemary Yogurt Cake

Blood Orange Rosemary Yogurt Cake / Bev Cooks

Look at me posting CAKE. What is this world? However, this one has Greek yogurt and rosemary and blood orange in it, so it’s more savory leaning. In a way. In my head. In our mouths. I’ve seen yogurt cakes hanging around my pinterest feed for a bit now, and I’m very into the idea […]

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Friday Flotsam

peonies / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………. . . . . .. … ? This isn’t going to be a heavy post, I promise, but I cannot, simply cannot go today without mentioning Heather Armstrong and the gutted blogging community this week. What a tragedy. I remembering discovering Heather (and Ree at the same time!) waaaaay back around 2008 or 2009 […]

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Friday Flotsam

morning kitchen / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriduuuuuh! Can you gleek? Do you remember gleeking in the ’80s? I mean, it’s still here in 2023. It’s not like gleeking has disappeared. But at this age it’s no longer a SPORT. For me it’s purely accidental, and normally lands on pages of my book mid yawn. Natalie can gleek ON PURPOSE. What sort […]

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Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs

Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs / Bev Cooks

Vegetarian! And one pan, baybuh. Okay I say vegetarian. It is if you sub in veggie stock for chicken stock. So no coming at me today, okay? This is really a tweak-your-own kind of situation. We have pasta, we have vegetables, we have aromatics, we have stock and cheese and garnishes. If I say “we […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduhluhmuhyuh! (I’m fine, why do you ask?) I think we might be getting a Ferris Wheel. Not at my house, ya boob. But our CITY. I think Kansas City might be getting a Ferris Wheel. And maybe I don’t even need to capitalize Ferris Wheel, but I’m going to anyway. A Ferris Wheel! Isn’t that […]

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