Friday Flotsam

garden flower

FRIdillydoodadAY. I forgot to tell you the craziest story! Like, crazy. It all happened long ago on the muggy afternoon of August 23rd, 1976. Wait, that’s something else. It was Father’s Day eve, 2017. A mere three weeks ago. Um, do you remember how hot it was?! Remember how I (adorably?) updated you every other […]

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Summer Gnocchi with Corn and Smoked Sausage

Summer Gnocchi with Corn and Smoked Sausage / Bev Cooks

And jalapeno! Can’t forget the jalapeno. Because jalapeno. So the story behind theez har recipay: I have a winter version. Actually, it’s not so much a winter version, but an all-the-time-in-my-face version. Kale, Italian sausage, GUH. You know my love for those two words back to back. The other week I made the kale/sausage version […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Tan Lines and Canned Wine

Patriotic Gremlins

O BEAUUUUUTIFUL FOR SPAAAACIOUS SKIES, FOR AMBER WAVES OF GRAAAAAI- oh. Guess what. GUESS. WHAT. Today marks two whole years of making you monthly mixtapes! TWO YEARS. Can you believe that? That means 24 playlists. Plus today’s mix which makes 25! (I’m good at math.) I’m going to keep this super short, because I know […]

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Friday Flotsam

brunch scene

FraHAHAHHAHAHAHiday. So I’m digging Glossier! I’m totally into my little Phase 2 Starter Kit purchase thingy. I CAN’T DECIDE (you’re going to get super mad at me) what I think of Boy Brow. Only because I think I need someone to guide me. Remember my eyebrows are like tiny horse hair pube brooms, so they […]

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Friday Flotsam

succulent heaven

FROODOO. Tell me about your VERY FIRST JOB. (I’m just launching right in.) I think first jobs are weird. You know on the application when it says, “Must have at least one year of experience – blah blah blah.” And you’re like, “But I’m coming to you so I can GET the experience, ya boob.” […]

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Besties Do Boulder. That Came Out Wrong.

Bestie Trip to Boulder, CO / Bev Cooks

I’M THE KING OF THE WOOOOOOR- wait, that’s not it. I went to Boulder! Boulder, Colorado. You know, the town that’s like, 25 feet from the sun? That one. But the heat is DRY. It’s not like here in KC, where you walk out your front door and immediately morph into SpongeBev Squarepants. It’s a […]

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Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

RIDICULOUS. What’s your favorite pulled meat? Or do the words “pulled meat” give you a Herculean case of the heebie jeebies? Mine? PORK. All the way. Pulled pork for prez. Pulled pork for life. Pulled pork forever. But get this! The other day we found this PICNIC pork roast at the farmer’s market. A picnic […]

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Friday Flotsam

backyard flowers and a gold windchime / Bev cooks

FriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLLELUJAH. I need help. DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT. My coffee grinder just went on the fritz. (not to be confused with, my coffee grinder is puttin’ on the ritz.) It died on me this week! And we’d only had it for six months. What GIVES, grinder. I think it’s my fault. (you’re like, […]

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