Archive | Soup

Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup

Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

New favorite soup alert! And I mean it. Oh, do I mean it. And guess what – this falls into my UNDER TEN INGREDIENT meals! Well, it’s 11 in total, but I feel like you already have the pantry staples on hand, so in a way it’s like, six ingredients. And you might already have […]

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White Chicken Chili

White Chicken Chili / Bev Cooks

Chiliiiii! Okay, listen. I know there are tragillions of white chicken chili recipes out there. I ain’t trying to reinvent the white chicken chili wheel. But! I’ve been fine tunin’ this har thang for a while now, and it’s ready for you, my chinchillas. I mean, it’s chili. But it’s good! Like, super good. And […]

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Salami Soup with Farro, Beans and Kale

Salami Soup with Farro, White Beans and Kale / Bev Cooks

It’s mid December and I feel like slurping, okay? And yes, that would be hard salami in that thar soup. This is the way I rebel in life, you see. I’m a 43 year old woman who reads fiction novels, drinks chamomile tea and goes to bed at 8:55pm JUST LET ME HAVE THIS. But […]

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Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies

Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies / Bev Cooks

Does one take a flood blogger seriously when they use the word VEGGIES? You know what, don’t answer that. I’m perfectly giddy living in a cloud of oblivion. Look at this soup! It’s basically the hybrid baby of a soup “just like my mom used to make” back when I was growing up. She used […]

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Simple Chicken Pasta Soup

Simple Chicken Pasta Soup / Bev Cooks

Like six ingredients! Seven if you include the Italian Seasoning on the chicken. So – seven ingredients! I loooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrve (<—Celine Dion style) soups like this. They basically throw themselves together whilst singing a little soothing ditty for your soul. Because guys, it’s that time of year where it’s not the time change JUST YET, but […]

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Chicken Salsa Soup

Chicken Salsa Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! On the second day of spring. IT IS STILL CHILLY, GUYS. I’m not yelling at you. Sometimes I speak like Owen Meany. Remember that book? A Prayer for Owen Meany? He’s this tiny dude that screams constantly in all caps? That’s me. So yeah, soup! CHICKEN SALSA SOUP. And I feel like you’re here […]

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Creamy Roasted Tomato Soup

Creamy Roasted Tomato Soup / Bev Cooks

SO. OKAY. We’ve had no power for four days. Are you sick of me talking about it yet? 🙂 I’ll stop. We can talk about this soup. It’s a soup that only those with electricity can make. Which I don’t right now. I don’t have electricity. Just in case you didn’t know. I’m at a […]

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Creamy Roasted Carrot Ginger Soup

Creamy Roasted Carrot Ginger Soup / Bev Cooks

And onions and garlic. All of it’s roasted to smithereens! Are you so excited? I’ve been dying to show you this recipe for forever and ever now. It’s one of those starter soups, you know. It begins the meal. Wets the whistle. Sets the stage. Wakes you up. PAVES THE WAY. You know. But it’s […]

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