Archive | Asian

Pork Ramen Noodle Bowls

Pork Ramen Noodle Bowls / Bev Cooks

Will you punch me if I say the slurping is real? I’m sort of falling apart over this soup. Within the short span of an hour, this here concoction landed a high profile spot in our heavy meal rotation. Not that the meals are heavy! The rotation is. Heavy rotation of meals. I guess some […]

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Sweet Chili Chicken with Coconut Rice


Ummmmm yeah. First of all, I don’t even want you to scroll down to the recipe just yet, because you’ll absolutely lose your entire face when you learn of the minimalisticalism (<—what?)-ness (<—dude) of this recipe. There are like six or seven ingredients tops in it. But hold on! Let’s take this slowly. The simplicity […]

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One-Pan Soba Noodles with Shrimp


Another one-pan dish, baaaybaaaay. Is it too soon to call you baaaybaaaay? Do you need to take me to dinner first? Oh! Make me this. So, remember that one time we one-panned this coconut shrimp dish? And we really liked it. It took a less than one Laverne and Shirley, was so outrageously yummy you […]

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Asian Lamb and Noodle Toss


Unbaaaahaahaalievable. Get it? Like a lamb? Baaah-ing? No? Let’s move on? Nothing to see here? Fiiiine, for bleat’s sake! BURN.   I really want you to make this. I don’t ask for much, now do I? Other than wanting you to make every single thing I post. . . . and laughter. . . . […]

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Shrimp Pho


Pho pho pho your boat, gently down your throat. Who else is sad I don’t write food jingles? And also, I know it’s technically pronounced “fuh,” but fuh fuh fuh your boat made me feel awkward on the insides. I would say, “what the fuh!” but my mom would remove me from her will. So […]

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Pan-Fried Pork Dumplings


Does anyone else giggle at the word dumpling? I’ll stop there. Okay but I can’t. And come on, pot-sticker? Who came up with these names? And why wasn’t I on the board? Because that meeting would have been awesome. “Who all is in favor for calling these little bites ‘dumplings’?” Me, “UMMMMMM YEAH.” The end. […]

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