Tag Archives | spinach,

Pork Chooops and Cherry Sauuuuuce


Okay, I know that’s not the way it goes, but doesn’t it just bring you back? Back to a simpler time? Back when a delicate sneeze would keep you home from school? Back when we were told a thousand times not to play ball in the house. Back when we learned valuable lessons about what […]

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Pasta with Stewed Golden Tomatoes


Gosh, I really need to shave my legs. Oh, Hi! I didn’t see you there! Wow. Well, while I have you, I have some awesomely incredible greatness to share with you. And you might be all, “Yawn, Bev. Pasta, really?” And to that I say, RA-EALLY. This pasta has spice. This pasta has sweetness. This […]

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Alaskan Salmon with Black Quinoa and Spinach


A couple of weeks ago I was blog surfing while jotting down a quick grocery list when this recipe, by the fabulous cookbook author, Alison Lewis, popped into my reader. A beautiful, simple salmon salad. Nice! So, I skipped out to the store and picked up some canned Alaskan pink salmon, just like she suggested. […]

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Spicy Chicken and Spinach Enchiladas


I know this might sound completely insane, due to these incredulous temperatures we’re experiencing, but for some reason warm, cheesy, baked, gooey chicken and spinach enchiladas called to me today, begging on hands and knees to be eaten for dinner tonight. Oh, but see, it’s okay! You don’t have to admit me into a psych […]

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Shrimp, Mushroom and Spinach Quesadillas


Well, it’s been approximately 17 minutes since I last ate Mexican food and I’m beginning to twitch. (It wasn’t really 17 minutes you guys. It was last week. YOUUUU.) But honestly, when I’m meal planning my mind usually drifts over to a land of crunchy chips and fresh salsa, a hot mariachi band and rivers […]

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Bistro Chicken Twist


About 347 years ago Aaron and I obtained a rather urban lifestyle. Freshly married, we lived in a warehouse loft downtown. We played regularly in an indie band together. We gallivanted with the city folk from social event to event. I wore high heels ‘round the clock. In short, we were hip. During those days […]

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Spinach and Chickpea Burgers


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 2 Um, pardon me? You, yes you – spring allergies. What did I ever do to make you hate me so much? What makes you think that a bright red runny nose and puffy eyes are considered “attractive?” What gives you the right to bestow feelings of poo on me […]

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