Tag Archives | spinach,

Creamy Potatoes with Spinach and Salmon

Creamy Potatoes with Salmon and Spinach / Bev Cooks

Comfort meets carbs meets fresh meets creamy = honey child, yes. It might not be the sexiest looking meal, but the physical reaction your body will have once this makes contact with your mouth is that one emoji with the brain exploding. And guess where the inspiration comes from. The Nightingale! Remember the part (this […]

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Creamy Shrimp Gnocchi with Spinach

Creamy Shrimp Gnocchi with Spinach / Bev Cooks

Creamy and dreamy. Are you seeing this? I have 150 pages of left of The Great Alone and every time I make a food, eat a food, look at a food I think, “The Allbrights really would have liked this. Well, Cora and Leni would. ERNT can eat his own toenails.” What was I saying? […]

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Spinach and Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Spinach and Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin / Bev Cooks

Well hello, lover. I didn’t see you there. Actually I did because I made you, sobbed over you, photographed you, sang to you, snarfed you, edited you, uploaded you, placed you here and then seanced over you. But I still think you’re sexy Lexie and I want to show you off. Yes I’m talking to […]

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Simple Chicken Pasta Soup

Simple Chicken Pasta Soup / Bev Cooks

Like six ingredients! Seven if you include the Italian Seasoning on the chicken. So – seven ingredients! I loooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrve (<—Celine Dion style) soups like this. They basically throw themselves together whilst singing a little soothing ditty for your soul. Because guys, it’s that time of year where it’s not the time change JUST YET, but […]

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Stuffed Baked Chicken

Stuffed Baked Chicken / Bev Cooks

Well hello there. Lover. Actually, I want to see if you can guess what’s stuffed inside those thar chicken breasts raht up thar. Cheese, duh. Spinach, right on. ARE YOU MOUTHING SAUERKRAUT IN DENIAL? I thought so. Come here, hold my hand. This is something my mom used to make when I was growing up, […]

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Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup

Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup / Bev Cooks

Things are about to change for you, I can feel it. And taste it. Because this. THIS. It’s like, one step. Plus a few more. So like three steps total. And one step is pure weeping. You know I’m Queen Soup, don’t argue with me. This is going to be that soup that’s on the […]

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