Tag Archives | soup

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Broccoli Cheese Soup / Bev Cooks

But like, with gruyere. Would you believe I’ve never made broccoli cheese soup before? Let me rephrase that. I made it once before this post which led to remaking it for this post but before this post I’d never made broccoli cheese soup before. (!) I know, I can’t believe it either. And you’ll never […]

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Rustic Seafood Soup

Rustic Seafood Soup / Bev Cooks

Another soup! Yes, it’s apparently soup week here at this internet website URL blog site web. And OKAY – this is another recipe that I shot (and snarfed) before the pandemic was declared and the world came to a halt. So what we’re going to do with this soup is stand back, look at the […]

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Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup

Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

New favorite soup alert! And I mean it. Oh, do I mean it. And guess what – this falls into my UNDER TEN INGREDIENT meals! Well, it’s 11 in total, but I feel like you already have the pantry staples on hand, so in a way it’s like, six ingredients. And you might already have […]

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White Chicken Chili

White Chicken Chili / Bev Cooks

Chiliiiii! Okay, listen. I know there are tragillions of white chicken chili recipes out there. I ain’t trying to reinvent the white chicken chili wheel. But! I’ve been fine tunin’ this har thang for a while now, and it’s ready for you, my chinchillas. I mean, it’s chili. But it’s good! Like, super good. And […]

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Salami Soup with Farro, Beans and Kale

Salami Soup with Farro, White Beans and Kale / Bev Cooks

It’s mid December and I feel like slurping, okay? And yes, that would be hard salami in that thar soup. This is the way I rebel in life, you see. I’m a 43 year old woman who reads fiction novels, drinks chamomile tea and goes to bed at 8:55pm JUST LET ME HAVE THIS. But […]

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Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies

Tortellini Soup with Steak and Veggies / Bev Cooks

Does one take a flood blogger seriously when they use the word VEGGIES? You know what, don’t answer that. I’m perfectly giddy living in a cloud of oblivion. Look at this soup! It’s basically the hybrid baby of a soup “just like my mom used to make” back when I was growing up. She used […]

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Simple Chicken Pasta Soup

Simple Chicken Pasta Soup / Bev Cooks

Like six ingredients! Seven if you include the Italian Seasoning on the chicken. So – seven ingredients! I loooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrve (<—Celine Dion style) soups like this. They basically throw themselves together whilst singing a little soothing ditty for your soul. Because guys, it’s that time of year where it’s not the time change JUST YET, but […]

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Chicken Salsa Soup

Chicken Salsa Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! On the second day of spring. IT IS STILL CHILLY, GUYS. I’m not yelling at you. Sometimes I speak like Owen Meany. Remember that book? A Prayer for Owen Meany? He’s this tiny dude that screams constantly in all caps? That’s me. So yeah, soup! CHICKEN SALSA SOUP. And I feel like you’re here […]

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Creamy Roasted Tomato Soup

Creamy Roasted Tomato Soup / Bev Cooks

SO. OKAY. We’ve had no power for four days. Are you sick of me talking about it yet? 🙂 I’ll stop. We can talk about this soup. It’s a soup that only those with electricity can make. Which I don’t right now. I don’t have electricity. Just in case you didn’t know. I’m at a […]

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