Tag Archives | pineapple

Coconut Salmon Pouches with Pineapple and Corn

Coconut Salmon Pouches with Pineapple and Corn / Bev Cooks

Pouch food! We need to make our lives about it. And I’ll tell you why. Besides the fact that pouches just make food fun. They do. This shan’t be argued. Because when you unfold a pouch to welcome the gentle aromatic steam, it’s like this little surprise of like, “Oh yeah, I just put all […]

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Hawaiian Pizza with Easy Beer Crust


How gross is it that I want to serenade this pizza? A little Bryan Adams? A little “Everything I Do, I Do It For You?” A little shoulder sway? A little lip licking? A little too far? I seriously remember when that song came out in 1991. Best moment of my life. I was maj […]

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Grilled Hawaiian Pizza Burritos


Oh gosh. Looks like a Tasmanian devil just whizzed through that mother, but it’s okay. I’m still a good person. Okay, so I read somewhere that the babies can hear me now. They can like, actually hear my voice. Through all that fluid, sac city, bubbles and goo, they can hear me. Yeah, I’m pretty […]

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Grilled Pineapple and Corn Salsa


I don’t know about you, but my fancy is like, way tickled with all these appetizers this week. And we’re not done yet, my sweet pookie bears! (I’m sorry. I’m going through some things. Just . . . let me.) I’m posting something summery and grilly and dipperydoo today to help my heart come to […]

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Jack-o-Lanterns…with FRUIT?


Aaaah, the carving season is among us, my friends. Night after night, neighborhood front porches twinkle with glowing faces of doom. Some are scary. Some are funny. And some are…well, kinda jank if you ask me. This Halloween, if you’re bored to the bone with carving pumpkins, grab some fruits and veggies and exercise your […]

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Tequila-Glazed Chicken Thighs


Summer = new grill burners. Summer = admiring your freshly mowed lawn. Summer = spotting the first group of fireflies in your back yard and remembering childhood. Summer = squealing over the first green tomatoes in the garden. (well, I squealed. Aaron not so much.) Summer = husband’s homemade pineapple and tequila cocktails. Summer = […]

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Aaron Cooked!


You guys, this morning Aaron said he wanted to make pizza, and he wasn’t kidding. While I showered, did my nails and channel surfed, he made dough from scratch, simmered a homemade sauce, marinated chicken and roasted corn. I am seriously in love. I did help wash a dish or two, of course. But I […]

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