Tag Archives | onions

Fire Cider

Fire Cider / Bev Cooks

Fiyaaaaaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaaa! Cider. If you’re not on the fire cider train, then you best get a ticket and come aboard! (omg I’m so sorry about all of this.) Does it work? Who really knows. Could it help? Well I think so! Look at everything in it. Nothing but aromatics, herbs, cinnamon, vinegar and honey. How could […]

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Simple Beef Street Tacos


Takin’ it to the streets! I . . . don’t know what that means. BUT, after finding out I passed my (SECOND stab-o-tron) glucose test, and passing another test that shows I don’t need to be on bed rest (at least at this point), aaaand watching my dawg frolic and play like a normal little […]

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Savory Galette


So I went to Arkansas last week. Did you know that? No? I totally went to Arkansas last week. Took meeself a leetle roadtreep. All by myself! I drove my husband’s Honda Element for 14 hours all.by.myself. I’ve done this once before so I have no idea why I’m so braggalicious right now. And it […]

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Red Quinoa with Mushrooms and Kale


In my 35 years as an eater, I have found that moaning, eye rolls, sobbing, shivering, losing vision, hearing and balance are usually reserved for foods that contain a gloriously sinful amount of cheese, cream, and carbs. Or chocolate. Am I right? Are we on the same page here? I’m about to change that for […]

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17 Bean and Barley Soup


I think it can happen to anyone. I wouldn’t call it a BAD thing. I just think it’s common and we shouldn’t read too much into it. Or judge. To my face. I bought a bag of dried mixed beans soup thingy from Trader Joe’s. Uh huh, the one with the instructions printed on the […]

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Chicken Sausages with a Spicy Corn Saute


I don’t know about you, but I might have a little crush on chicken sausages. Especially the sun-dried tomato ones. Actually, any flavor works for my fragile heart. I’m prepared to make friendship bracelets for the chicken sausages. I’m prepared to make a mix tape for the chicken sausages. I’m prepared to take a picture […]

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