Tag Archives | dehydrated tomatoes

Guacamole Tuna Salad


So I’m about to go kayaking. I’m not sure what I think about an activity with the work YAK right in the middle of it. AND, we’re kayaking in an area called SALT MARSH. What the wonk is a salt marsh?! I’m sorry, but A-L-L-I-G-A-T-O-R is all I hear. On top of that, it’s a […]

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Tuscan Tuna and White Bean Salad


Don’t even think about turning on that oven! That was my super nauseating announcer-y voice, could you tell? Did you just get the urge to throw your laptop in front of a semi-truck and set yourself on fire? It worked! Speaking of fire, I just got my new glasses in yesterday and they are booooooss. […]

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