Tag Archives | comfort

Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Noodle Soup


Sluuuuuuurp. Slurp, slurp, slurp. Slurpidy slurp. Oh, hi! Don’t mind me. I’m just slurping my way into 2012. I am wearing a bib though. It’s cool. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Me either. Resolutions freak me out. If I make them I get all panicked and think, “well, I better get […]

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Weeknight Italian Wedding Soup


I have a secret to tell you. Come here. Sit right here. I’m gonna whisper it into your ear drums. Ready? I didn’t make these meatballs. WHAT? YOU DI—WAIT A MINUTE, NOW. Don’t be hatin’! I know this is a food blog and all and I COULD have made the meatballs. I HAVE made the […]

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Pantry Chicken and Beans


Okay, so I just finished reading this book. It’s fiction, but one of the main characters is a chef, so any time she references food, the recipe is supplied at the end of each chapter. Pretty pimp, eh? The book itself is gosh darned good, if you’re into giggling like a school girl, weeping like […]

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Leftover Turkey Sushi and Crostini


Gobble Gobble. Gobble. Do you have 34 pounds of turkey sitting in your belly? Are you looking at 34 more pounds of leftover turkey in your fridge? Once the tryptophan coma wears off, I have an idea. MORE TURKEY! Don’t groan. This will be fun. I give you…two ways to get ca-razay with your leftovers […]

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Classic Beef and Bean Chili


Can I ask you a question? What does it mean when someone “winterizes” something? Is it just checking to make sure the chimney sweep doesn’t have eagles or hobos stuck in it again? Or is it a quick glance at the windows and doors for any slits where evil ice ghosts might slip through at […]

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Thai Beef With Cabbage


I must be craving iron or something, because when I flipped across this beefy recipe out of the newest Cooking Light, my stomach joined forces with my heart and sucker punched me in the face. Oh, and guess what! Yesterday, for the first time ever in my existing life existence, I purchased my very first […]

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