Tag Archives | chicken

Chicken Spaghetti


Remember last weekend when my high school BFF came through town? Well, on their way home from vacation they dropped in one more night, for good measure. With 2 kiddos in tow, I decided to make an old childhood favorite of mine, the chicken spaghetti. C.H.I.C.K.E.N. S.P.A.G.H.E.T.T.I.  Shredded chicken, gooey Velveeta cheese, copious amounts of […]

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Seared Chicken with a Cauliflower Gratin


So, yesterday I had round 3 with the oh-so-hip Matthew Collins! He’s an amazing local photographer who comes over once in a while to shoot me cooking, and blog about it. And eat my food. HEY WAIT A MINUTE. Just kidding, Matthew! Maybe. It was an interesting session to say in the least, as a […]

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Homemade Calzones with Chicken and Asparagus


So, yesterday afternoon while Aaron and I marked off some embarrassingly overdue chores on our to-do list, I kept pondering dinner. Out loud. “Hey babe, what should we have for dinner? What do you want to eat? What sounds good tonight? What are you craving? When should we start cooking? Now perhaps? No? Stop talking? […]

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Simple Roasted Chicken


Chicken. It’s a win-win. No matter what you do with it, you’re sure to wear giddy pants while eating it. Grilled, seared, stuffed, shredded, poached, baked; honestly, the world is your oyster. I mean chicken. The chicken is your oyster. I mean, the world is your chicken. Wait, the chicken is your chicken! . . […]

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Spicy Chicken and Spinach Enchiladas


I know this might sound completely insane, due to these incredulous temperatures we’re experiencing, but for some reason warm, cheesy, baked, gooey chicken and spinach enchiladas called to me today, begging on hands and knees to be eaten for dinner tonight. Oh, but see, it’s okay! You don’t have to admit me into a psych […]

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Chicken Pasta with a Citrus Cilantro Sauce


I keep thinking it’s Wednesday. On Tuesday I thought it was Sunday and on Thursday I thought it was Tuesday. Yesterday I thought it was Tuesday, too. Wait, yesterday was Thursday. But I still thought it was Tuesday. Thus making today feel like Wednesday. And making you feel like I need therapy, rest and/or wine. […]

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Grilled Chicken with Herbed Roasted Squash and Lentils


Something about today’s rumbling thunderstorms, a fresh, extra-blond summer ‘do, new brakes on the element and an overnight visit from my brother-in-law really had me craving grilled chicken with patty pan squash and lentils. IT DID. Okay it didn’t. You caught me. The meal was planned. BUT, something about today’s rumbling thunderstorms, a fresh, extra-blond […]

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