Tag Archives | chicken

Thai Peanut Chicken Salad


I’m so excited about this salad I’m going to scream. But it’s the dressing I’m most screamy about. Matter of fact, I’m writing Scream part 427 right now, and it’s all about the dressing. Remember at the beginning of the year when I made these Open-Faced Thai Peanut Chicken Sandwiches and I freaked my entire […]

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Creamy Indian Cashew Chicken


I recently read in an ancient Indian manuscript that the word Friday actually translates to “creamy.” Freaking sweet, right? But don’t ask me to show you the manuscript because right after I read it, I spilled some water on it and it’s at the . . . manuscript repair . . . store. For probably […]

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Peanut Chicken Satay Lettuce Wraps


We ’bout ta be so all ovah these satay lettuce wrappies, but first, a quick message from my sponsor (me): OOOOOOmmmmmg. I can’t thank you ENOUGH for your incredible response to my little video. You’ve made my head swim, my heart swell, and my armpits sweaty. No like, in a good way. If you’ve not […]

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Chicken Taco Stacks


How you doin’? (before I continue, my world has been shattered as what you are about to read is all a hoax. okay proceed.) I’m trying to find the words to describe how I feel about this. Giddy school girl doesn’t quite cut it. Rampant tornadoes of hysteria is a little closer. A pile of […]

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Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti {Tablespoon Tuesdays}


I’m going to pretend that I’ve always called Tuesdays “Tablespoon Tuesdays”. I’m also going to pretend that it was 100% my idea and not my husband’s when he just so effortlessly said last week, “You post your Tablespoon stuff on Tuesday, right? Why don’t you call it ‘Tablespoon Tuesdays’?” Because that would make sense, wouldn’t […]

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