Buffalo Chicken Nachos


All kinds of lessons were learned yesterday here in the Weidner household. Some I’ll happily share with you and some I won’t, because I don’t think the words “toilet” and “shower robe belt” leave the most pleasant mental images on a food blog. Oopsie. I still typed that out, didn’t I? The first lesson I […]

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Thai Beef With Cabbage


I must be craving iron or something, because when I flipped across this beefy recipe out of the newest Cooking Light, my stomach joined forces with my heart and sucker punched me in the face. Oh, and guess what! Yesterday, for the first time ever in my existing life existence, I purchased my very first […]

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Savory Stuffed Crescent Rolls


I think it’s safe to say that with Halloween behind us, we’ve officially entered “The Holiday Season.” Does this terrify anyone else to freaking death? Do you have evites and invites and ewvites (what?) coming out your face already? And you have NO IDEA what to contribute to these events? Hi. Welcome to my post. […]

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Shrimp Po’ Boys


You guys, I have to tell you something. And I swear, you simply must take my word on this, because I’m kind of freaking myself out a little. Yesterday I went to buy groceries for this here po’ boy post and when I got to the “hoagie” part of the list, I decided at the […]

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Vegetable and Red Lentil Salad


Happy Halloween! And oh, look at these summer vegetables from the garden I’m showing you right now. How again does this even make sense on a holiday like today? Not a clue. Next I’ll be sunbathing on my roof, wearing jorts and a tie-dyed tube top while blasting “Good Vibrations” out of my turquoise boombox. […]

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Butter Chicken


Butter Chicken. Say it out loud with me. Butter Chicken. Didn’t your mouth feel so happy just now? You can’t say “butter chicken” without the rumble of a school-girl squeal in your belly followed by the eruption out of your face. This was the first time I’ve ever made butter chicken. And it all started […]

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Turkey Sloppy Joe Sliders


I need to start this post with an apology, because what I’m about to do to you is unforgivably painful. It will make your face hurt. Your ears bleed. Your brain cells sizzle like root beer flavored jelly beans on a hot sidewalk in the middle of July. You will curse my name for the […]

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