They Call Me The Guest Poster Child


O. M. G. Guess freaking what? I’m guest posting. Guess freaking when? TODAY. LIKE, RIGHT NOW. Guess freaking how? I dunno, man. She just asked me to and I freaked my face. Guess freaking why? Because she’s my new best friend and I just finished making us friendship bracelets. Guess freaking where?  EAT. LIVE. RUN. […]

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Turkey, Mushroom and Spinach Lasagna


Whooooa, Nellie! I’m going to warn you now, I got a little picture happy with this post. I’m going to blame it on the fact that it’s a lasagna. And lasagnas call for layering. And layering calls for pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. Ya know, I find that some food bloggers are super awesome […]

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Mo-Kahlua Mug Delights


Guess what. I made you sweets today. This should come as a serious surprise because, um, have you looked at the “dessert” category on this site? I think there’s a tumble weed and some lint on it. I never bake. Like, ever ever ever. But I did!! And yes, I was scared beyond physical movement. […]

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Classic Beef and Bean Chili


Can I ask you a question? What does it mean when someone “winterizes” something? Is it just checking to make sure the chimney sweep doesn’t have eagles or hobos stuck in it again? Or is it a quick glance at the windows and doors for any slits where evil ice ghosts might slip through at […]

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Tapas-Style Sauteed Mushrooms


Duuuude, what’s uuuuuuupppppaaaa??? That’s my “never-mind-me-I’ve-just-eaten-a ton-of-mushrooms” voice. SAUTEED mushrooms, you freak! I’m not that kind of girl. You know, sauteed mushrooms are not to be taken lightly. The marriage between the butter, the garlic, the wine…they are an exquisite treasured delicacy among the lands. And in my mind. And mouth. One must not overlook […]

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Tex-Mex Tilapia Tacos


Hi. Yep. It’s November. And hi. Nope. This isn’t an old post. I really am writing about fresh tomatoes and jalapeno peppers from the garden. I really am making fresh salsa, pouring it over my Farrah Fawcett wig in slow motion, in front of a large fan, while wearing an apple red bathing suit. And […]

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Skinny Chicken Nuggets, And MORE.


1) Just admit it. You like chicken nuggets. You dooooo. You like them because they’re bite-sized. You like the crunch it provides your mouth hole. You like the word NUGGET. NUGGET. I like it too. Well, guess what I’ve gone and diddly darn did done with ’em? I allowed them their first cup of coffee. […]

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Smoky Shrimp with Parsnips and Brown Rice


Do you want to know what makes me over-the-top-mega-mama-giddy-pants-central-station? Well, besides raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, and Wilson Phillips on repeat? SMOKED. PAPRIKA. I remember years ago when a friend was describing the difference to me between regular, sweet and smoked and I was all, “whuuuut?” So […]

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