Friday Flotsam

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FREE LEE LEE LEE LEEEEEE. day. Let’s talk lipstick. Now, to the naked eye, it would appear that I might have a thing for red lipsticks. But guess what! You’re right. However, I’m actually extremely horrible at picking out lipstick. A) I’m mildly terrified of variety. and B) decisions of this caliber completely stress me […]

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DIY: Tea Rose Perfume Oil

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Pop quiz: please tell me you remember the amazing Tea Rose perfume from the 1990s. Please. I guess that was more of a question, rather than a quiz. Let me rephrase that. Pop quiz: how many of you remember the amazing Tea Rose perfume from the 1990s? NO ONE? NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU? […]

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Friday Flotsam

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I just blew my nose and I swear it sounded exactly like the coffee grinder. Also, FRIDAY! I have to tell you about this crazy dream I just had. If I can remember it. You know how dreams are. You wake up and you’re like, IN IT, and then five seconds later you’re like, “Wait, […]

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Friday Flotsam

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fa fa fa ri ri ri da da da y y y. And not only that, it’s a LAWNG WEEKEYEND! All the joy. All the praises. All the rosés. Do you have big plans for your Labor Day holiday!? I need to hear them. NEED. Our best pals from Arkansas are driving up this afternoon […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FREDEEEEEEE. You will NOT believe what happened to me yesterday. You will NOT. So, we’d been dehydrating a bunch of tomatoes and peppers from our garden out in the garage. Our dehydrator is the size of Rhode Island, so we stuck it out there this time, to free up some space inside. You know. So […]

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