Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros

Eaaaaaaaaasy easy easy easy easy suppah.

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

Easy like Sunday morning. Or Monday afternoon. Or Tuesday night. Or Wednesday twilight. Or Thursday dawn. Or Friday lunch. Or Saturday happy hour. (You like how I made it through the entire week? No? Oh.)

I sort of feel like with getting into the whole back-to-school routine (you, not me), and chasing the bend of afternoon photo shoot light (me, not you), this meal just hits it. HITS IS, I TELL YOU.

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

Maybe I’m just completely butt-bonkers lazy, but I loooooove this kind of cooking. It’s not even cooking! It’s just placing different food items together on a delicious carby naan canoe and shovel city into your head.

The only cooking you really do is some chicken sausage searing. But you can deal with that, right? Of course you can.

OH WAIT, FALL TV is about to start! Sorry to switch gears like this. What are you excited to watch? Did you know the Mindy Project is moving to Hulu only? Which for me, it was already Hulu only because I could never watch in real time due to my sitcom-hating husband. Can you believe this life I live? I can’t talk about it.

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

What else, what else! NEW GIRL. I heard that Zooey won’t even be in the first episode because she was on maternity leave or something? I didn’t even know she was pregnant! This is is how horrible I am with following celeb gossip. I’m still wondering how Brad Pitt and Jen Aniston are going to work things out.

(So then you’ll just toast up some frozen naan in the oven. Or if you don’t have naan, regular pita bread is just fine!)

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

What else, what else. The GOLDBERGS. They’re back for another season- did you know!? I’m pumped for that. But sort of regretting saying pumped just now.

(Top the naan with hummus, chicken sausages, fresh cucumber and tomato, a little chili garlic paste, some fresh mint, and a few happy squeezes of lemon! Are you seeing how simple this is?)

You have to tell me what to watch this fall. Because I pretty much need you to dictate my life.



See how well this relationship works?

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

1-2-3 easy.

Cheddar and Chive Buttermilk Biscuits
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  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbs. Baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 Tbs. Sugar
  • 7 Tbs. Cold butter, cut into small chunks
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 cups grated mild cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup snipped chives
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 400.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and a good pinch of salt. Whisk to incorporate. Add the cold butter to the bowl and use your fingers to press into the tiniest slivers. Keep going until the all the butter is mixed in with the flour, leaving no big chunks.
  3. In another smaller bowl, whisk the egg and buttermilk together. Pour into the flour mixture.
  4. Add the grated cheddar and snipped chives, gently stirring to combine. Don’t over-mix. We want a shaggy dough.
  5. Tip the dough onto a floured work surface and gently press into an inch-tall disc. Use a cookie cutter or jar to create biscuit shapes. Transfer onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, until slightly risen and golden brown. That cheese will bubble up in places and you’ll forget your name.
  7. Let rest a minute, then serve with butter!

Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros / Bev Cooks

What else what else! I wonder if the Golden Girls are renewed for another season.

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12 Responses to Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros

  1. Bella B September 3, 2015 at 9:31 am #
    This looks just so flavourful!! xoxoBella |
  2. Julie September 3, 2015 at 10:01 am #
    I share your Goldberg love. I have the date marked on my calendar!
  3. Kim @ Adventures in a New(ish) City September 3, 2015 at 10:31 am #
    I never watch Dancing with the Stars, and I am embarrassed to admit that I'll be watching ( this season solely because Nick Carter of Backstreet Boy fame will be a contestant... Umm, I mean I'll be watching Homeland of course!
  4. Dee @ The Kitchen Snob September 3, 2015 at 11:41 am #
    Golden Girls...what about Mad About You?? YESssss. I hope they get back together! Ok this isn't a sitcom but I've been watching Home Free on demand with "make it right" Mike Holmes. I swear you will cry by the end of every episode. I also want to check out the new Rob Lowe sitcom The Grinder.
  5. Lesley September 3, 2015 at 12:33 pm #
    Apparently Zooey got married and birthed all up in the same weekend - what the what.
  6. nicole @ I am a Honey Bee September 3, 2015 at 5:07 pm #
    I watch everything from New Girl to Forever to Bones to Modern Family. I love Forever- hello British accent!
  7. Alexis John September 4, 2015 at 3:30 am #
    Easy, easy, easy and super tasty. Thank you, Bev, for the recipe :) @Nicole - Bones rulz !


  1. Friday Favorites - Key Ingredients - September 4, 2015 […] Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros via Bev Cooks […]
  2. Fun Five Friday - September 4, 2015 […] Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros–> Oh wow, this looks great! […]
  3. 21 Healthy Chicken Sausage Recipes - Delish Sides - July 11, 2022 […] 13. Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros  […]
  4. 12 Amazing Chicken Sausage Recipes Your Family Will Love - - August 22, 2022 […] Open-Faced Greek Chicken Sausage Gyros […]

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