Friday Flotsam

Baskets of apples in London

friDAAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAA. Do your teeth ever hurt? Not like, “ow that hurts,” which is I realize is the way most people would describe pain. Maybe it’s more like, do your teeth ever feel chalky and weak with a twist of dry sticky? Let me try this again – you know when you scratch your nails down […]

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What We’re Diggin’! (Spring 2016)

Homeade Cappuccinos / Bev Cooks

Howdy ho, howdy hoo, how da hay do ya do! …I have no idea what that was about. But! I’m super pumped because I’m finally posting the spring edition of What We’re Diggiiiiin’! (<–obviously said like Mama O) This post is especially special because of three special sponsors who helped make this edition extra special. […]

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Friday Flotsam

Tree in the spring

FREELEELEELEEFREE! (<–that means Friday in Bev speak) Okay. I’ll get into purple. ONLY FOR PRINCE though. Can you believe this? I know everyone is mourning the news by listening to their favorite albums, favorite songs, watching their favorite videos, texting gifs like whoa. And I’m like, “REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS ON NEW GIRL TWO YEARS […]

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Slow Cooker Moroccan Pulled Pork

Slow Cooker Moroccan Pulled Pork / Bev Cooks

You don’t even want to know how long it took me to spell Moroccan right. Who rightly cares though because THIS DISH. Ahhhhhhh! It’s going to change you. As a person. Changed. Also, I’m having a serious talk with myself right now about the amount of all-caps abuse in the coming of this post. I […]

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Friday Flotsam

Gorgeous flat in London (notting hill)

FridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Welllllll, you guys. It’s finally happened. Aaron and I have been bracing for this dreaded, impending era for the last six or so months. We could see the signs that it was headed our way. We just didn’t know exactly when it would strike. But as of yesterday at 3:42pm, it is officially upon […]

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Friday Flotsam

Donut Bag

FRI                                     YAY.           !!!                                  Just kidding – day.        !!!! I just backspaced and took one of those exclamation points off, because THAT would make a difference in the obnoxiousness. OKAY. Muthus who birthed alien gremlins: (dudes be like, “sweet now […]

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Shrimp and Cabbage Crunchy Tacos

Shrimp and Cabbage Crunchy Tacos / Bev Cooks

I’m posting FOOOOOD glory be to all the pigeon angels and baby koala bears. And tacos, none the less. Had to start back strong, ya know. Go tacos, or go home. Isn’t that the old saying? Every taco has its shell? When life gives you tacos, make tacos? I forget how it goes. Anyway, thanks […]

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