Friday Flotsam

Toddlers on a Sofa

fffffffffff R I D A yyyyyyyyyyy. Why are hard boiled eggs so stupid? Let me rephrase that: why is peeling hard boiled eggs so stupid? Hold on, one more go at this: why is it so hard and stupid for me to peel stupid hard boiled eggs with my stupid fingers and hands? I have […]

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Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes.

Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes

Well would you look at that – it’s AUGUST. (!) How did we get here?! Besides the whole space time continuum thing. Okay, I’m changing it up a little this month! First of all, it’s my birthday month. Not only that, it’s a milestone birthday. I’m turning 40. (FORTY.) But isn’t 40 the new 20? […]

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The Stuff I Actually Make from Bev Cooks

Thai Pork Salad with Glass Noodles / Bev Cooks

As of right this second, I have packed my little striped carry on, washed my hair, straightened my hair, curled my hair, applied my Kardashian self tanner (don’t hate), painted my nails, chipped my nails, kissed my baby gremlins goodnight and fallen in bed for theeee earliest crack-a-licious  flight to Cabo, Mexico! (just like Sex […]

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Friday Flotsam

Hibiscus Flower Plant

FFFridaYYY. Okay, so I snapped about this ^^^ flower yesterday. And of course I asked you what it was, because it had slipped Aaron’s mind and I was too lazy to use Dr. Goog. Well, as soon as I walked back in house, I looked it up. (I’m great at timing.) (Also, ignore the weeds. […]

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Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls

Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls / Bev Cooks

I’m still trying to find ways to stick summer in soup. And I’d call this one a dern success. First of all, it’s fresh corn! When it’s July and hot and blazin’ hot and very hot and summer and July and hot in July you use fresh corn. It’s mandatory for your health and personal […]

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Friday Flotsam

La Papier Studio's silhouette jewelry

F A R I D A Y E E E . I had this crazy dream just now. I was in a car wreck! Not a horrible one, but not a tiny fender bender, either. It was a chain wreck, like the kind you see on the local news from a helicopter, where a dude […]

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Summer Chicken Soup with Pinto Beans and Corn

Summer Chicken Soup wtih Pinto Beans and Corn / Bev Cooks

Summer slurpin’! It happens. Yes, it’s soup. And yes, it’s 86 kazillion degrees outside. But I can’t rightly care, because there’s so much summer in this soup! Plus pinto beans. I’m really into pinto beans lately. Remember when I made slow cooker burritos with them? Well, they’re BACK, but in a soup. This soup. The […]

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Friday Flotsam

Whole Foods flowers

FRIEE    DAYEEEE. AAAAeeeeee EEEEEEaaaaaa. I don’t like Chardonnays. WHAT.SHE DOESN’T.I don’t. YOU DON’T. I don’t. WHY NOT. WHAT. HOW. HOW ARE WE FRIENDS. I don’t know. I just don’t. YOU DON’T. No. NOOOO. HOW. HOW. I just never have. WHAT. I CAN’T. Yes you can. I CANNOT. I CAN’T SEE. MY EYEEEES – Listen. I […]

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