Smokey Chili Mac Soup

Smokey Chili Mac Soup / Bev Cooks

Two more days until the official Slurpin’ Season begins! Everything I said just now was 100% true, except for the whole official part. So never mind everything I said just now. But you can still slurp if you want. You should slurp this! Let me tell you about it. I love this recipe. I had […]

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Friday Flotsam

Hatch Collection

FRA LA LA LA LAAAAAA DAY DA Y DAY DAY. Okay, remember how obsessed I got with my mini horse pube broom eyebrows a while back? You’re like, “no but thanks for that lovely image.” WELL, I ended up going to Ulta (wait, Ultra? Ulta. Ulba? Ulla? Uvula?) and had an eyebrow specialist go bonkers […]

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Sausage Meatballs with Kale and Creamy Polenta

Sausage Meatballs with Kale and Creamy Polenta / Bev Cooks

Siiiiimple simple simple. (also it’s simple.) This is my brand new all-time favorite meal of all time today right now. It may look all fancy face, but in reality, it’s just a plain ol’, delicious cinch to pull together. Three things happen. Let’s discuss. You’re excited, I can tell. You roast tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes. If […]

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Friday Flotsam

Road Trippin' in Arkansas

FRID-EEEEEEEEY. FRID-HEEEEEEY. FRID-HAAAAAAY. friday. Do you think those ear wax candle thingies are a myth? A legend? A hoax? A ripoff? Because, you guys. I cannot hear anymore. My hearing is gone. All gone. Wiped away forever. Between my kids constantly screaming down my eardrums, my dog barking at the mailman and any other speck […]

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Chinese Rice with Beef

Chinese Rice with Beef / Bev Cooks

This recipe is brought to you by – my ENTIRE CHILDHOOD. When I was growing up (IN THE EIGHTIES. I miss the eighties.), my mom have a fine-tuned meal rotation that almost never budged. Monday night was this. Tuesday night was that. Wednesday night was this, plus that. However, one meal in particular that never […]

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Friday Flotsam

Little kids listening for the "big truck!"

fFfFFFFrRrRRRRiIiIIIIdDdDDDDaAaAAAAyYyYYYY. (<-can you find the code?) Omg. OMG. o.m.g. Did you guys ever watch The Jinx? I know, I know – I’m super late to the party. We finally watched it this week. Finished last night. My jaw is still nowhere near my face and it’s starting to look weird. (also, I promise no spoilers […]

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