Friday Flotsam

Mouse in a pot

FRIDAAAAAAAAAA          y. Listen to this dream I had… It’s so weird, you guys. I’m almost nervous to tell you! But maybe you can help me dissect it, and together we can figure out exactly what is so defective with my noggin. So I was at this . . . courtyard-type of […]

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Slow Cooker Roast Beef Melts

Slow Cooker Roast Beef Melts / Bev Cooks

Because melted cheese on shredded beef. The end. (Minus Aaron’s sad, soulless cheese-less versions. We’re learning to forgive him, right? Eh, we’ll try later.) I think a proper year needs a proper slow-cooker start, don’t ya think?! (<–name that movie, but with different words. like kite and tail.) A start that involves a massive hunk of […]

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Friday Flotsam

winter in our back yard

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffRIDAY. I FINISHED GILMORE GIRLS. Waaaaaaaah. (also, maj spoilers!) Well, I finished the series, not the revival. So, technically I still have six more hours of Lorelai and Rory and Paris and Luke and Jess and Dean and Logan (gross) and Miss Patty and Babette and Kirk and errrbody else. Wait! I heard Sookie’s not […]

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16 Favoritest Things in 2016

Wicked Good Slippers - L.L. Bean

Happy 2017! I think I already said that the other day, but I’ll say it again. Happy 2017! That probably makes three times now. Whatever. “People stopped saying “whatever” five years ago.” “Whatever. I’m outie 5000.” <–name that show. Before we get too nestled into the new year, I wanted to go back and give you my […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Name That Movie

Movie kiddos

Lights..! Camera..! Favorite mixtape ever..! (p.s. That’s an old school movie projector toy in Will’s hand. He wasn’t wanting to be my director, though, so- no milk for him!) MOVIES. Favorite thing ever. They take us away to another place, another time, another era, another land. For roughly 90 minutes, we get to experience life […]

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Friday Flotsam

Kitchen Counter Cousins

f                                   r                           i                    day. I accidentally bought flavored coffee so I’m extra murdery right now. WHO MAKES FLAVORED COFFEE? WHY? Why would someone do that to coffeeeeee?! The greatest body fuel of all time! (never mind water, leafy greens, all berries, whole grains, and other yawn-a-licious stuff like that.) But coffee! COFFEE. What is this, […]

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Friday Flotsam

Gremlins making cinnamon ornaments

FRI LA LA LA LAAAA LA LA LA DAY. Do your eyeballs ever wiggle in their sockets? You know like, when you sort of rest your eyes, and they just start boogieing on their own? It’s the weirdest feeling! I can’t decide if I hate it or want to cut a rug with them. It […]

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BBQ Pulled Pork Pizza

BBQ Pulled Pork Pizza / Bev Cooks

Last recipe of the year! You bet your face it’s pizza. But it’s not normal. The pizza isn’t, I am. Wait. Also, look at that slaw! Let’s talk about this. There are two things that make this pizza straight magical. One – it’s slow cooker pulled pork tenderloin. With a packet of dried onion soup […]

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Classic Beef and Bean Chili with J.R. Watkins

Classic Beef and Bean Chili with J.R. Watkins / Bev Cooks

*This post is definitely in partnership with J.R. Watkins, but all honesty and total ramblings are my own. We coo?* YES. J.R. Watkins. As in, the hand soaps. (I’m not cooking with hand soap, by the way. Ha! Wait, am I?) Did you know that J.R. Watkins has a whole new line of gourmet seasonings […]

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