Monthly Mixtape: Sprang In Your Thang

Monthly Mixtape: Sprang in Your Thang

19 days until spraaaaaaang! But I’m not excited or anything. Even if it’s been (for us) the MILDEST winter on record (in KC), with two jokes of a snow (here in my town), and temperatures that have mimicked spring (in Kansas City) for nearly a month now (for me in my town), I’m still pretending […]

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Growing Old Gracefully Can Suck It

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and MedSpa

Also known as, I turned 40 and had a Herculean panic attack. It’s one of those things we’re not really supposed to talk about. We might even be trained to feel guilty about it. Or heaven forbid, vain. Because you know, we have to keep our kids happy! Our homes clean! Our marriages solid! Our […]

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Friday Flotsam


Fah Rah Iah Dah Aah Yah. I need help! You’re like, “Not this already.” I’m in desperate need of a new weekender bag. And I want something super pimp. I’ve got a few weekend getaways coming up over the spring and summer, and the bags that I have now are either too big, too small, […]

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Chicken Spring Rolls


Is it obnoxious to post spring rolls a month before spring? I’m pretending that you’re shaking your head so hard your eyeballs are loosening. Spring rolls! How can you not? They’re spring rolls. With GROUND CHICKEN. But let me just say right here and right now, swap in pork or beef if you want. If […]

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Simple Squid Piccata

Simple Squid Piccata

If I break out in “UNDA DA SEA,” are you going to punch me? Look at those tentacles! I’ve never had tentacles on my plate before. I like tentacles on my plate. Don’t tell Ariel I said that. This dish is something ELSE, y’all. I know it might seem a smidge unapproachable, but a) you […]

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Friday Flotsam

gremlins crafting

farrrrr EEE DEEEEEE. FELICITY’S HAIR. (I’m jumping right in.) She cut it. Yes this news is 18 years old. Remember, I was living under a giant (indie) rock back then. No TV, fresh out of college, starting my banking career, playing in a band, short bleached blonde hair, cut-up men’s Dickies in my wardrobe. SO […]

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Asian Steak Lettuce Wraps

Asian Steak Lettuce Wraps / Bev Cooks

There’s rice in it, too, so please don’t x out. Lettuce wraps! It’s been a while since I’ve made slash posted lettuce wraps. I always forget about these delightful canoes o’ savory bliss. I know it’s an odd time of year to be posting lettuce wraps, with all the soups and creamy pastas and casseroles […]

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Gnocchi and Chicken Sausage Soup

Gnocchi and Chicken Sausage Soup / Bev Cooks

Bappy Balemtime’s Bay! (yes I’m that troll who still says it that way.) I made you love soup! It’s love soup because you’re going to have a full blown heart attack once you find out what’s in it. Not because the ingredients are heart-attack inducing. I mean, they are. But not like, hospital-gown-open-in-the-back-see-your-bum-style. It’s more […]

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Friday Flotsam


fridAAAAAAAYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYAAAYAY. Do you want to hear a story about how I’m the worst mom alive? Of course you do, you live for this stuff. Now personally, this story will go down as one of my most proud parental moments, even though it most likely scarred Natalie for life. Listen, it’s my duty to instill the […]

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Slow Cooker French Onion Pot Roast over Creamy Polenta

Slow Cooker French Onion Pot Roast over Creamy Polenta / Bev Cooks

Hellooooo, slowcookerfrenchoinionpotroastovercreamypolenta lovah. Um, this meal is going to be your winter mouth canoe grub game changer. And I mean it. First of all, it’s slow cooker. Commence simultaneous clapping and sobbing. Second of all, it’s a giant slab of meato. Isn’t that neato? (sorry) Third of all, the words “French” and “onion” are involved, […]

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