Flatout Flatbread Farmer’s Market Pizza

Flatout Flatbread Farmer's Market Pizza / Bev Cooks

(This post is definitely in partnership with Flatout Flatbread, but all ramblings and pizza inhalings are totally my own. We coo?) More pizza! And I’m not mad about it. Lately, Aaron and I have been more inspired to let the farmer’s markets dictate our grubbing. Listen now, I’m still a raging planner with a stupid […]

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Asian Beef and Cabbage

Asian Beef and Cabbage / Bev Cooks

This is one of those “let-the-farmer’s-market-guide-me” meals. Are you annoyed? BECAUSE holy hail. It is crazy. Simple and crazy. Not crazy like, “She’s got a knife in her purse!” or, “Is she really listening to Michael Bolton right now?” But crazy. So crazy that we’ve made it twice and I still want to punch it […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers, tray, strawberry dress and flower hat

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF roodoo. I want to get more into nightgowns. WHOA, DID YOU NOTICE I DIDN’T SCREAM THAT AT YOU? oh. But really, nightgowns! I wanna get into them. Not like Medicine Quinn Woman. Or Frederick’s of Hollywood. Or Frozen. But like, chill-lady gal nightgowns. Is this already uncomfortable for you? I usually wear sleep pants […]

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A Simple Honey Thyme Butter

A Simple Honey Thyme Butter / Bev Cooks

Let’s start summer with butter, ‘mkay? A HONEY THYME BUTTER. It’s almost not even a recipe. It’s more like, a way of life. I’m basically giving you this recipe as a springboard into your future. It will take you places you’ve never dreamed. You’ll see things you never imagined. You’ll dance like you never danced […]

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Friday Flotsam

Summer kebabs

FAAAAAAAA reh deh. LET’S PLAY A GAME. You’re like, “Let’s not and say we did.” No, listen. My friends and I have played this game for years, and it’s sort of my favorite thing in the world. And I want to see if you get a gas out of it (not to be confused with […]

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Hey-La-Day-La, The Milkman’s Back!

Shatto Home Delivery Service - THE MILKMAN.

LIKE REALLY. A MILKMAN. A MILK. MAN. But let me back up a bit. A few Saturdays ago, we were headed out for a routine trip to our local nursery for a (YES, ANOTHER) round of garden plants. As we pulled away from the gardening center with our haul, I noticed this small, but bright […]

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Friday Flotsam

spring flowers in Madison, WI

FREEEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. We’re having our first backyard movie night of the year next weekend! You know what I just realized? How much I rely on emojis. Isn’t it crazy what those little images have done to our lives?! The communicative impact that a single image of a sun or a movie projector or a leaf or […]

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