Archive | Vegetarian

Quick Vegetarian Greek Platter

Quick Vegetarian Greek Platter / Bev Cooks

Okay, so it’s not really a RECIPE recipe. But it is our weekly go-to vegetarian Greek night meal! And I don’t think you’re going to hate it or me. The only real cooking you’ll do is the cauliflower. But I have a top secret James Bond trick to tell you, and you can’t tell ANYONE […]

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Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Pasta

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Pasta / Bev Cooks

Or – RRPPP for weirdos. This one goes out to all my vegetarian peeps! (super grossed out that I said peeps just now.) (and that I gave a shout out at all.) THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. Our little neighborhood has a mini farmer’s market. You may recall a certain voice I use every time we […]

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Skillet Cheesy Corn Dip

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Dog days. And I hate the words dog and days back to back. But it’s the gruesome reality we face. It’s the injustice ways of Mama Nay Nay with her lethal dragon breath upon our fragile skin. And I KNOOOOW turning on the oven is travesty. I get it! I do. But. It’s our only […]

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Flatout Flatbread Farmer’s Market Pizza

Flatout Flatbread Farmer's Market Pizza / Bev Cooks

(This post is definitely in partnership with Flatout Flatbread, but all ramblings and pizza inhalings are totally my own. We coo?) More pizza! And I’m not mad about it. Lately, Aaron and I have been more inspired to let the farmer’s markets dictate our grubbing. Listen now, I’m still a raging planner with a stupid […]

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Greek Orzo Pasta Salad

Greek Orzo Pasta Salad / Bev Cooks

Isn’t May 18th the unofficial gateway to pasta salad season in my head? Thought so. I think I just came with your very favorite new pasta salad. I really do. I seriously do. Because it’s not BORING. Not to say other pasta salads are boring. That was rude. But you know how you get super […]

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Thai Curry Oats

Thai Curry Oats / Bev Cooks

*This post is definitely sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company , but all yammering and opinions are totally my own. We coo?* You’re like, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO WITH THOSE POOR OATS. I Thai Curried them. Are you mad at me? Or do you want to hug me? Thing is, it’s all because the […]

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Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls

Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls / Bev Cooks

I’m still trying to find ways to stick summer in soup. And I’d call this one a dern success. First of all, it’s fresh corn! When it’s July and hot and blazin’ hot and very hot and summer and July and hot in July you use fresh corn. It’s mandatory for your health and personal […]

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