Archive | Vegetarian

Anytime Yogurt Carrot Muffins

Anytime Yogurt Carrot Muffins / Bev Cooks

AS IN, I BAKED A MUFFIN. There is one thing I have surely learned on this month-long relocation. (BESIDES ALL THE THINGS) And I knew it and practiced it before, but it is now so ingrained in my day-to-day, small-humans-all-around-me-all-the time-so-help-me-God life. SNACKS. Have snacks. Have so many snacks. Snacks on the counter, snacks in […]

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Jalapeno Havarti Pimento Cheese

Jalapeno Havarti Pimento Cheese / Bev Cooks

You’re going to need to sit down. Because this . . . THIS ^^ might deliciously ruin your life forever. It’s pimento cheese, which is already a problem I desperately need in my situation. But this version has Roth’s JALAPENO HAVARTI in it and I’m sorry but all caps are completely necessary. Have you ever […]

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California Grain Bowl

California Grain Bowl / Bev Cooks

OKAY, I’m calling it California because it reminds me of California. When I was there. And I ate food there. …The avocados. Truthfully, I can’t stop thinking about the food in California! We had dinner at (fine, a chain. but I didn’t know it at the time) True Food Kitchen, and it was soul-punchingly delicious. […]

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Tomato and Gouda Galette

Tomato and Gouda Galette / Bev Cooks

I’m seriously about to cry. This, I believe, with my whole heart, is my most favorite thing I’ve made all freaking ding dang year. And I don’t take those words lightly. BECAUSE I’M SORRY ARE YOUR EYES SEEING THAT OR NOT? You know what, why don’t we take this gently. First of all, you’re looking […]

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Roasted Vegetable and Farro Grain Bowl

Roasted Vegetable and Farro Grain Bowl / Bev Cooks

Grain bowls! I accidentally typed brain bowls. Which could either be totally applicable or totally gross. You decide. I’ve really been getting into bra- ugh, GRAIN bowls lately. Like almost every single DAY for the last two days. And what’s funny is that I completely forgot about shooting this roasted veggie and farro grain bowl […]

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Chickpea Shawarma Flatbread

Chickpea Shawarma Flatbread / Bev Cooks

Am I the only one who desperately wants to pet those little chickpeas and call them Frank? This appetizer! First of all, I can’t take credit for it. It’s not mine. But I did inhale 5/8ths of it in 12 minutes flat. Does that count? My sweetie pie/travel partner gal friend Sonja of A Couple […]

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