Archive | Vegetarian

Caprese Biscuit Tarts

Caprese Biscuit Tarts / Bev Cooks

Well aren’t these little guys cute? Is it a brunch item? Sure! An after-camp snack? Why not! An excuse to use one more exclamation point above the fold? Going for it! And the thing about these, besides the fact that the adorbs factor will force you to pet them and call them Frank, they’re super […]

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Gnocchi with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Gnocchi with a Fresh Tomato Sauce / Bev Cooks

Okay THIS is how we summer. And I need you to hark it. We all have those fresh tomato sauces we run to during the summer months. And by run I mean a full-on-foaming-at-the-mouth sprint. There’s nothing better! Nothing in the whole entire world. (besides taking a colossally plump farmer’s market tomato, slicing it and […]

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Summer Vegetable Bake

Summer Vegetable Bake / Bev Cooks

But it’s crunchy! A crunchy summer vegetable bake. And it’s great. This is the thing, it’s not really a gratin. Once I put the zucch and the squash next to the tomatoes, they were such different sizes that instead of having a stroke, I decided we’d slice them into sticks this time. Sticks, I tell […]

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Skillet Apple Cheddar Pie

Skillet Apple Cheddar Pie / Bev Cooks

Like, pizza pie though. Yeah that got your attention. Not only is it apples + cheddar on a quick small-batch pizza crust, guess what the “sauce” is. It’s a non sauce sauce. Here, I’ll show you. Honey! It’s honey. Just a little drizzle of honey for the base, and that’s all she wrote. She being […]

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