Archive | Vegetarian

Oh, Summer.


Before:   After: MAMA. Quick Cherokee Tomato Salsa: * 3 Cherokee tomatoes, pulsed quickly in a food processor * 1 small jalapeno pepper, minced * 1/2 small white onion, finely diced * 1/2 cup fresh cilantro * juice from half a lime * salt * 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil In a small saucepan, […]

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Black Bean and Tempeh Tostadas


How many times have you read the word “tempeh” and thought, “riiight, that has to be a typo.” Or how many times have you heard someone say the word “tempeh” and you’re all, “excuse me, temp what with what hay?” Or how many times have you seen actual packaged tempeh at the market and thought, […]

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Homemade Salsa


Salsa: it’s one of summer’s most quintessential snacks. We all love it. We all need it. We all inhale roughly 140 pounds of it during these warm, ripe months. But, are you used to only eating it out of jars or small tubs? Are you on the verge of an emotion breakdown over the limp […]

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The Little Creep We Call “Snack Attack”


It happens every afternoon about this time. I start thinking about dinner preparations, and they appear. Out of nowhere. Like little whispers of sin, seducing my brain cells. Hints of snack attacks. The dreaded snack attack. Then they grow. Ohhh and grow. And slowly start to eat me alive. Before long I’m wiping back the […]

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Grilled Peach Salad


For the last couple of Christmases, my sweet memaw has gifted me with a subscription to Southern Living magazine. You see, I’m actually from the south, and I do in fact have a memaw. Oh I’m not even kidding. She even starts every sentence with, “Wayell daaaarlin’!” I love her. A lot. To my surprise, […]

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Easy Peasy Summer Minestrone


I love making soup in the summertime because it means I don’t have to do much. Aside from a little chippity-chop-chop of a few vegetables, the pot does all the work! This really works to my advantage, you see. This gives me more time to focus on which Ross and Rachel milestone we’re crossing. It […]

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Quick Pasta with Broccoli and Cabbage


What. A. Weekend. America had a birthday, fireworks were shot, dogs were frightened, a bush caught on fire, brats and burgers were consumed by the truckloads, warm hugs were shared between old friends, the swimming pool was not once neglected, root beer float shots were consumed by the gallons, chacos never left my feet, quality […]

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Zucchini Pasta: I Might Die.


As I told ya last night, I’m trying to get every last thing eaten in this house before we depart for a few days. It just so happened that my newest Whole Living magazine appeared in my mailbox the other day. It just so happened that the front cover food photo left me weak and […]

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