Archive | Soup

Sriracha Chicken Pozole

sriracha pozole

I have a few questions for you today. This is some serious stuff too. So sit down. You’re actually probably already sitting down, I realize, unless you’re in line at the DMV reading this on your phone, which in that case, ew. But if you’re in line at the post office with a bunch of […]

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BBQ Chicken-Pizza Soup + Giveaway!


(this giveaway is now closed) It’s theme week on the blog internet website URL! And no, the theme is not Bev Discusses Her Struggle With Nail Biting. Although I’m sure that would be so much fun for you? I’m actually featuring recipes from all my friends’ current cookbooks! Also known as Why Didn’t I […]

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Roasted Vegetable and Pesto Minestrone


This soup looks like my neighborhood right now. Okay and get this. Normally I don’t gravitate towards certain fallish colors, likes the brown and yellow hues. Now, the burnt oranges, deep reds and dark purples? Totally obsessed with. But THIS YEAR? This year I’m loving it all. ALL OF IT. I’m like a loose lion […]

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Coconut Curry Chicken Soup


Siiiiiiiiiiimple simple simple simple. Super simple. It’s almost embarrassing. By the way, did you have a nice weekend? I feel like I never ask how you are. Is that rude of me? Because I want to know. I seriously do! Can I just tell you that I started reading Gone Girl Friday night and I’m […]

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Mexican Meatball Soup


Meatball-eh meatball-eh! Okay. I’m already royally scrizzed for this month. See, Aaron and I have this tradition. And I should know better, really. Each Halloween we watch scary movies. And they’re across the board scary. Like, Scream-scary, Rosemary’s Baby-scary, Poltergeist-scary, Joan Rivers documentary-scary. Anything goes. But a couple of days ago we accidentally totally on […]

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Chicken Sausage Chili


“Um, this is totally chili,” says Bev to Aaron on the hottest day in all of eternity and then some. “I know, I know. Total accident. I was going for more of a beans and rice type of thing, and adding those chicken sausages you bought the other day, which was a genius move on […]

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Smoky Corn Chowder with Shrimp


I don’t wanna beg, buuuuut… Meet your new summer lover. His name is Chowder. Or, Chow-duh if you like to LIVE ON THE EDGE. He’s gentle, tender, smokin’ hot, probably has a mustache and I’m weirding even myself out right now. So, my M-I-L visited last weekend and brought with her what some would call […]

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