Archive | Chicken

Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings

Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings / Bev Cooks

AT LAST! It’s here. Aaron’s famously deliciously ridiculously ludicrously supercalifragisldkfnsldfswhatever GRILLED Buffalo Chicken Waaangs are here. And it is worth the wait, promzee. Now, it IS a three-parter. But it’s not scary. And so festive. And perfect for this time of year. And it has beer in it. And you’ll love it. And it’s wonderful, […]

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Dairy-Free Indian Cashew Chicken

Dairy-Free Indian Cashew Chicken / Bev Cooks

NEWS FLASH: my husband can’t drink milk. And he doesn’t like cheese, but that’s a therapy session for another day. Thing is, this no-dairy-thing of his is a fairly recent discovery. As a kid, he always drank milk. That’s what you do as a kid, you drink milk. There’s Barbie doll, Star Wars, and a […]

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Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowls

Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowls / Bev Cooks

UM. OKAY. I know you’re probably like, “Chicken, broccoli and rice, whoop dee do.” But. Hi, this chicken. Is coated in all that stuff you see in this next photo. And it has sweetness. And a little kick. It’s a little bit country. And a little bit rock ‘n roll. This LOOKS like a lot […]

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Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi

Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi / Bev Cooks

And it’s one pot! One pan, I mean. A skillet. Whatever you have. Never mind. Okay this is like, the unofficial slash official gateway to fall for your mouth. Just the words ROSEMARY CHICKEN feel like they should under a giant leaf pile. In a sweater. Or a navy blazer. (ordered one from J.Crew! I’ll […]

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Classic Chicken Salad

Classic Chicken Salad / Bev Cooks

But with a twist! It has a little twist. Twist and shout. But not the shout. Chicken salad is one of those classics that I think about WAY too much. I could eat it constantly. Matter of fact, Aaron shares the same obsession and often picks up chicken salad from our neighborhood grocery store, because […]

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Spring Chicken and Rice Soup

Spring Chicken and Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

The soup is spring, not the chicken! Well, it might be a spring chicken. I don’t know. But the season is spring, so the soup is spring. But not the rice. The rice is normal. All-year rice. Never mind. Let’s have some soup! Guess who came up with the idea for this springy soup? My […]

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Stuffed Baked Chicken

Stuffed Baked Chicken / Bev Cooks

Well hello there. Lover. Actually, I want to see if you can guess what’s stuffed inside those thar chicken breasts raht up thar. Cheese, duh. Spinach, right on. ARE YOU MOUTHING SAUERKRAUT IN DENIAL? I thought so. Come here, hold my hand. This is something my mom used to make when I was growing up, […]

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