Monthly Mixtape: Everything Old is New Again

Aaaaaaaand it’s 2018. How? HOW! h o w.

Monthly Mixtape: Everythign Old is New Again

I’m actually quite eager for the new year, unlike grumpy mcfuss pants. ^ I don’t MIND January. Kind of like it, truthfully. It’s that one month of the year where goals and motivation and fresh starts are bouncing around the cerebral walls like teenage butterflies on Taylor Swift.

Yet it has this eerie peacefulness to it. It’s too dang cold to really do much, so inside home life at its coziest. Drawers get cleaned out. Closets get reorganized. Kid toys get donated (I SWEAR I’M GOING TO), and the exercise routine slash clean eating gets a good kick in the pants. I like January!


Let’s talk about this mixtape. I hand picked these songs specifically for January. First of all, you know me – I love all things old. I love old houses, vintage clothing, antique furniture, classic style. But mostly, I love old music. (Which is clearly evident in past mixes.) But not just the jangly big band, jazzy stuff. I’m also obsessed with classic rock, ’80s pop and ALL THINGS ’90s.


but but but.

I find that the older I get, the more connected I feel with music from the ’60s and ’70s. Not necessarily HAPPY songs, but soul buzz songs. Because while January is often associated with self reinvention, I find that for me, it’s more about self embracement. Okay, maybe a little bit of self polishing. (#treadmill) But like, you know what. I dig Steely Dan, and I’m going to be okay about this. More than okay, I’m owning it, STEELY.

Thing is, there’s so much new music today that sounds totally vintage. For instance, The War on Drugs. It’s fresh on our ears, but has that magical, ethereal essence of ’90s gold. And I couldn’t be more obsessed. Tons and tons of other indie and folks bands today possess that classic, vintage rock sound. BECAUSE IF IT AIN’T BROKE…

This playlist isn’t ALL old. Some of it is brand new music, but sounds old. Much of it is music I’ve listened to for years, but there are a few new-to-me songs that I can’t get enough of, so obviously I’m forcing them on you, too. 🙂

It’s January. A time for new. Or old that’s new. Or new to you. Or old to you and you just re-discovered that you love it. So like, old new. And old new you! I’m not calling you old. Never mind.

I give you . . . the “Everything Old is New Again” mix.


Happy January!

This time last year.

This time TWO YEARS ago.

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2 Responses to Monthly Mixtape: Everything Old is New Again

  1. Jennifer Jones January 2, 2018 at 9:50 am #
    Hands down your best mix tape yet
    • Deborah Lederman January 2, 2018 at 3:02 pm #
      Hi Bev: I love your mixed tapes. I really look forward to each one. I plan on listening to January’s mixed tape as I become familiar with my new InstaPot. With that in mind, any recipes that are especially InstaPot friendly? I’d love your recommendations as I make the Broken Lasagna, Sausage, Kale and Mushroom recipe a lot. (And I think I’m making it for dinner tonight. Again.) Looking forward to your sage recommendations! Warmly, Deborah Lederman

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