Tag Archives | sandwich

Blackened Tilapia Sandwiches

Blackened Tilapia Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Don’t people eat fish on Fridays this time of year? I feel like it’s Lenty, right? We’ll call it Lenty. Blackened tilapia! An unsung hero of fish dinners. I happen to actually like tilapia. It’s inexpensive, takes on any flavor you give it, and flakes beautifully. Here we’ll blacken the crud out of it for […]

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Simple Spicy Shrimp Rolls


I can’t wait for your new life to begin with these. Thing is, they’re SOEASY. This is the most no-fluff no-huff way to eat some dang shrimp rolls. Next time you want to eat shrimp rolls and think to yourself, “Geez, some shrimp rolls sound so delicious right now but I’m not entirely sure what […]

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Open-Faced Salmon BLTs


Sometimes I wish it was 1955. But for like, just a week. Do you ever wish you could go back to a specific era of your life and relive it? But not actually relive it, but instead sort of hover over yourself like a little friendly ghost from the future? Oh man I totally do. […]

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