Tag Archives | prosciutto

Creamy Pappardelle with Peas and Prosciutto

Creamy Pappardelle with Peas and Prosciutto / Bev Cooks

Spring eruption, in ya face! There are four hundred billion versions of this out there. And yes, we need them all. It’s what spring is made of. These simple ingredients, all married up and in your mouth. Let us peepeth? Yerp. I like pappardelle in this situation, because it’s drama. We take something as delicate […]

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Cavatelli Pasta with Spring Vegetables


The snow has melted. Luscious temperatures have returned. Let’s get it awwwwwwwwn! Oh wait, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant with this here spring pasta since it’s all nice again outside. Wait wait, not with the PASTA. Oh goodness. I just meant like, let’s twist and shout like sauerkraut. Throw our hands […]

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Skillet Pizza


HARK THE HEEERALD ANGELS SIIIIIING. I seriously just typed Harold. Hark the Harold angels sing. Hey, Harold, don’t you have some angel harking to tend to? How are those angels, Harold? Exhausted from all that harking? Hi, my name is Harold. This is my brother Angel, and this is my other brother Angel. (name that […]

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