Tag Archives | mother’s day

Friday Flotsam

dogwood trees / bev cooks

Fffffffeeleelaaloooooday! Guys I just feel like Princess Buttercup should have known it was Wesley under his black eye mask. I mean, you can SEE OVER HALF OF HIS FACE. And his entire body when he’s walking around talking about his own death. And she could hear his voice saying all those sentences back to back […]

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Toasted Ham and Cheese Croissant Sandwiches

Hot Ham and Cheese Crossiant Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

For Mother’s Day! These would be for Mother’s Day. This is my vision for your life. I never make croissant sandwiches at home. Matter of fact, I’ve never made CROISSANTS at home. Have you? I hear it’s just awful. Not the final product. But the process. Takes like 18 days, and you have to pay […]

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Friday Flotsam

dogwood tree in bloom

FR                                           ID                                            a                                        Y. Let’s get into hair masks! You’re like, “Your face is a hair mask.” Guys, I’d never even heard of hair masks until like a month ago! A MONTH AGO. And I was trying to figure out why and then remembered I’m an old lady. Are you into hair masks? The only […]

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Tomato and Gouda Galette

Tomato and Gouda Galette / Bev Cooks

I’m seriously about to cry. This, I believe, with my whole heart, is my most favorite thing I’ve made all freaking ding dang year. And I don’t take those words lightly. BECAUSE I’M SORRY ARE YOUR EYES SEEING THAT OR NOT? You know what, why don’t we take this gently. First of all, you’re looking […]

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Seared Polenta with Kale and Smoked Salmon

Seared Polenta with Kale and Smoked Salmon / Bev Cooks

Mother’s Day month! Okay, week. Well, it’s this weekend. Still six days away. Whatever. This week I’ve got two (2! TWO.) recipes that I believe would be straight diviiiine for Mother’s Day. Both simple, both lovely, both healthy, both motherly. They’re not motherly. They’re people-y. Well, they’re female-y. Feminine. Girly. Because sprouts. Anyway. Have you […]

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Egg, Potato and Ham Bake for Two

Egg, Ham and Potato Bake for Two / Bev Cooks

Oh, girl. I have an idea for your Mother’s Day breakfast and I want this to be any part, some part and all parts of it. Hashtag goat cheese? But this is the thing. You should know, this entire recipe was built around that small cast iron skillet casserole dish thingy. I’m a bona fide […]

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Mother’s Day Weekend Recap!

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MOVUHHOOD…IS WHAT BRINGS US…TOGEVUH…TODAY. Actually it’s because I don’t have any food to show you. I swear I’ll keep this as boringless as possible! I just have all these photos from the weekend that don’t really fit Flotsam, and I’m pretty sure our families are a wee bit sick of me sending 57 photos per […]

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide!


Presents!! I almost don’t want to call this a Mother’s Day gift guide, because I very much remember the excruciating era of my life when I wasn’t a mom. And wasn’t able to be a mom. And I very much remember that lingering ache in my stomach. I promise I’m not going to get all […]

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