Tag Archives | mini

Mini Pear Pies

Mini Pear Pies / Bev Cooks

You didn’t think Thanksgiving could be so cute, did ya? And listen to this, I made these mini, like single serves, but you could definitely just tuck them all into one pie crust like a normal person. I changed it up though and added brown sugar and cinnamon and butter! (oh my?) La-het us peepeth. […]

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Mini Coconut Custard Pie

Mini Coconut Custard Pie / Bev Cooks

PIE! I made the pie again! But there’s a sad story. The sad story isn’t about me making the pie again. That’s not the sad part. I knew I’d have to make it again after I botched the crust the first time because I didn’t read the measurements correctly. And when you think about it, […]

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Mini Beef Pot Pies

Mini Beef Pot Pies / Bev Cooks

Because when they’re mini you can eat five. #math And they might not technically be pot pies because there’s not a pie layer on the bottom. Or the top. It’s puff pastry because we’re polished and refined, doi. But who cares because they’re incredibly rich and filling but also not a complete gut bomb and […]

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Mini Chocolate Mascarpone Cake

Mini Chocolate Mascarpone Cake / Bev Cooks

No the world did not end but yes I baked!! (!) A CAKE. AN ACTUAL LIVING CAKE. But it’s mini. And filled with mascarpone cheese. Because a) cute and b) you can’t argue with your inner raging soul fairies when they guide you to mascarpone. You just can’t. On top of that, it’s not that […]

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Mini Chocolate Coconut Pies

Mini Chocolate Coconut Pies / Bev Cooks

At least they feel like pie to me. They might be cake! Or giants. None the less, they’re chocolate-y and sweet and your watering mouth cavern beggeth. And it’s simple! Take a looksie. Your standard baking ingredients. AND GUYS. I’m not a baker, so this is huge for me. To be posting dessert? What is […]

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Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas

Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Don’t you just love all those words back to back? And yes I was tempted to type “pea-zas” but I like having human friends. Can I tell you how much my kids like kale? And I’m seriously not trying to be that obnoxious show-off mom who’s like, “Ohhhh your kids don’t like kaaaale because miiiiine […]

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Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes

Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes / Bev Cooks

Dessert! We seriously, desperately need dessert. And not only is it a dessert, it’s more like a Thanksgiving/Holiday/Life HACK. Because you guys, it’s chocolate pudding in those galettes. As in, those clever little boxes of chocolate pudding. Open, mix, heat up, stir, done. I’m not being tacky! I’m being HACKY. (<–I’m making shirts.) Also, cream […]

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Cheesy Biscuit Pot Pies


Yes those are biscuits and yes that is melted cheese on top and yes that is a lake of drool on your keyboard. I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes I have those nights when I’m like, “Dude I just need to open up a can (not of whoop a$$)and rip open a frozen bag of whatever […]

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Mini Cheeseburger Pizzas

Mini Cheeseburger Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Who knew that pickles on a pizza would rise to be my seventh greatest love in life. You don’t want me to go into the first six. I’m sure you have an actual life to lead. Cheeseburger PIZZAS, y’alls. These pups have been on my to-make list since Watergate. However – I went back and […]

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